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extracting certs via WIFI
Hey guys,
As all of you know, obtaining new certs are harder to come by these days.
I’ve been reading that certs CAN extracted via WiFi. Only modems wifi units are vulnerable to this such as: Webstar 2320, sbg900, sbg901…. I’m sure there is more.
Has any succefully extracted the certs over wifi using ipfullview 6.0, cloneceris etc…?

Thanks 4 reading.
only modem i have done it on is a old webby 2100 as i uploaded a telnet enabled firmware(ambit?) via the web interface
this was a long time ago and i can remember the specifics
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(03-03-2014, 12:02 AM)drewmerc Wrote: only modem i have done it on is a old webby 2100 as i uploaded a telnet enabled firmware(ambit?) via the web interface
this was a long time ago and i can remember the specifics

Today I was able to EXTRACT the certs from a stock sb5100 without even opening it. ALL SOFTWARE.

Now I need to figure out how to put a stock sb5101 in factory mode. Once i do that i should be able to do the same on a sb5101

The ultimate objective is to extract the certs via WIFI.
stock sb5101 you can t..whith software
(06-03-2014, 04:52 AM)dragonlord7791 Wrote: stock sb5101 you can t..whith software

You are right. I tried everything to get my stock sb5101 to go into Factory Mode, but No Way. The only way, as far as I know, is by cracking it open and hooking it up with a jtag cable.

So if I understand correctly, the only cable modems that can have the certs extracted via WIFI are:


How about the sbg901?

(03-03-2014, 12:02 AM)drewmerc Wrote: only modem i have done it on is a old webby 2100 as i uploaded a telnet enabled firmware(ambit?) via the web interface
this was a long time ago and i can remember the specifics

how were you able to do it via telnet?
It has to have a serial-enabled bootloader as Drew posted. No stock ISP firm allows that so you are back to needing physical access.
(02-03-2014, 08:01 PM)cheeto Wrote: Hey guys,
As all of you know, obtaining new certs are harder to come by these days.
I’ve been reading that certs CAN extracted via WiFi. Only modems wifi units are vulnerable to this such as: Webstar 2320, sbg900, sbg901…. I’m sure there is more.
Has any succefully extracted the certs over wifi using ipfullview 6.0, cloneceris etc…?

Thanks 4 reading.

how can i obtain certs bro?
if they know they will not post in open forum if you want to know google bro

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