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The CMTS is an advanced router...
It has a handshaking protocol. Standard routers dont. So access to the CMTS is done through an automated process, AKA , Handshaking Protocol. If the Network Device accessing doesnt submit certain verification OIDS, it is denied or re-booted (DocsDevReset), thus the continual re-boot some complain of. If it does submit the requested OIDS, but is not provisioned, then it is "Operational" but no "Public" IP is given. It is in a sense, "parked" behinf the private side of the CMTS. I have said, and some do know, there is a way to make this all happen.....
Yes your right mate but TBH all those just starting who cant even chnge a mac or no how to spoof the nic mac & the rest of the noobness isnt going to have a chance or clue what to do "AND" when to do it....even though after many of your posts you have practically told them
I know when & what to do but the keys aren't public as you willl know matey
I know when & what to do

Enjoy your overloaded pm box....

I dont care mate i'll help anyone i can to a limit "spoonfeeding days is over"
I hope it NEVER gets posted public cos it will be raped again & back to the beginning we go
I reply & help all PM's so theres an invitation haha

I'v learnt from "my mistakes" by helping & posting on forums "HOW TO"
They asked for screenshots of it online so i made a video even better...I even let Admin Teamviewer to me
I was banned on the spoken forum for knowing what to do but i WOULDN'T TELL how to do it....Wheres that forum now.....CLOSED !!!
There's nothing wrong with helping as long as you establish boundaries...In my own experience I found it better to figure most of out from reading and testing the info that is already posted. If you don't know how a cm really works then the only reason to get a working fix w/o working for it is free inet!

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