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Just thought I'd add some scipt's I have lying around, maybe they could be integrated into future firmware's Smile

Copy into txt and rename to

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

# This program uses SNMP to get the number of total, active and registered
# modems on each upstream port. Since these are Cisco MIBs, this script
# is limited to Cisco CMTS devices.

# INPUT: CMTS name
# OUTPUT: Modem count table
# AUTHOR: Becki True

use Net::SNMP;
use strict;

my $host = $ARGV[0];
my $comm = '';

# establish SNMP session with host
my ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session( Hostname => $host, community => $comm, version => 'snmpv2');
if(!defined($session)) {
printf("Connection Error: %s.\n", $error);
exit 1;

my $total = '';
my $active = '';
my $reg = '';
my $ifDesc = '';
my %desc;
my $desc;
my $index;
my @index;
my $totalmodems;
my $activemodems;
my $registered;

# get ifDesc of upstream ports
if (!defined($desc = $session->get_table($ifDesc))) {
printf("Get ifDesc error: %s.\n", $session->error());
exit 1;

# sort by upstream name and store indexes in an array
foreach my $key(sort hashValueSort(keys(%$desc))) {
if($desc->{$key} =~ m/[uU]pstream/) {
$index = $key;
$index =~ s/$ifDesc.//;
push @index, $index;

# get total modems on each upstream port
if (!defined ($totalmodems = $session->get_table($total))) {
printf("Get total error: %s.\n", $session->error());
exit 1;

# get active modems on each upstream port
if (!defined($activemodems = $session->get_table($active))) {
printf("Get active error: %s.\n", $session->error());
exit 1;

# get registered modems on each upstream port
if (!defined($registered = $session->get_table($reg))) {
printf("Get registered error: %s.\n", $session->error());
exit 1;

# print results
print "CMTS: $host\n\n";
print "Upstream port\t\tTotal\tActive\tRegistered\n";
foreach $index (@index) {
my $descOID = "$ifDesc.$index";
my $totalOID = "$total.$index";
my $activeOID = "$active.$index";
my $regOID = "$reg.$index";
print "$desc->{$descOID}\t$totalmodems->{$totalOID}\t$activemodems->{$activeOID}\t$registered->{$regOID}\n";


sub hashValueSort {
$desc->{$a} cmp $desc->{$b};

exit 0;


Copy into txt and rename to

#! /usr/local/bin/perl -w

# This program will use SNMP to initiate a TFTP transfer
# of each Cisco device's startup-configuration to the
# TFTP server. This program will only work with Cisco
# devices using Catalyst OS. There is a seperate program for
# IOS devices (

# This program will be run as cron job daily using OpenView's
# snmpset and snmpget. It is assumed that /opt/OV/bin is in
# your path. If you don't have OpenView you can download and
# use the SNMP Perl module from CPAN.

# reference

# INPUT: file containing names of Cisco Catalyst OS devices - one per line
# OUTPUT: device startup-configuration copied to TFTP server
# AUTHOR: Becki True

# IMPORTANT: You must provide values for $file, $server, $read, and $write


$file = ''; # data file containing device names
open(FILE, "<$file") or die "Couldn't open $file for reading\n";
while(<FILE>) {
chomp $_;
push @host, $_;
close FILE;

$server = ''; # tftp server IP
$tftpGrp = ''; # base OID
$tftpHost = "$tftpGrp.1.0 octetstring $server";
$tftpModule = "$tftpGrp.3.0 integer 1"; # module number to copy config from
$tftpAction = "$tftpGrp.4.0 integer 3"; # send config to tftp server
$tftpResult = "$tftpGrp.5.0"; # result of the transfer

foreach $host(@host) {
$read = ''; # SNMP read string
$write = ''; # SNMP write string

$fileName = "$tftpGrp.2.0 octetstring $host.conf"; # name of file on server

# copy file
`/opt/OV/bin/snmpset -v 1 -c $write $host $tftpHost $fileName $tftpModule $tftpAction\n`;

# wait a few seconds for the transfer - these take a little while
sleep 15;

# check success of file transfer
$success = `/opt/OV/bin/snmpget -v 1 -c $read $host $tftpResult\n`;
chomp $success;
$success =~ s/.*INTEGER:\s+//;

if($success !~ m/successful/) {
for (1..3) {
# try up to 3 more times to copy file
`/opt/OV/bin/snmpset -v 1 -c $write $host $tftpHost $fileName $tftpModule $tftpAction\n`;
sleep 15;

# check success of file transfer
$success = `/opt/OV/bin/snmpget -v 1 -c $read $host $tftpResult\n`;
chomp $success;
$success =~ s/.*INTEGER:\s+//;
if($success =~ m/successful/) {
# file copied, so exit for loop
print "$host: $success\n";

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