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TFTP failed - configuration file NOT FOUND
I'm playing to increase the speed of my modem (Haxorware 5101) by using differents MACs and Certs. When I try to use a MAC and Certs with speed 10/1, every things is fine but when I use a MAC and Certs with speed higher 20/2, modem cannot online with log like this:

0x000127d2 [CmDocsisIpThread] BcmCmDocsisIpThread::RestartTftpConfigFile: (CmDocsisIpThread) ERROR - Failed to TFTP config file after 4 tries! Aborting...
0x000127dc [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::IpInitErrorEvent: (CmDocsisCtlThread) ERROR - IP helper returned kTftpInitFailed error! Restarting!
0x000127dc [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::SyncRestartErrorEvent: (CmDocsisCtlThread) reason: 12 (kTftpInitFailed)
Logging event: TFTP failed - configuration file NOT FOUND

All these MACs and Certs are valide.
what does the log say around the time of the initial tftp get
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I don't have a MAX232 to setup a Putty Log. I just telnet to my modem and focus this error. Another logs around that time look OK.
Some more log:

Logging event: TFTP failed - configuration file NOT FOUND
CM> 0x000b4708 [DHCP Server Thread] BcmDhcpServerThread::ThreadMain: (DHCP Server Thread) Callback request expired:
timerDuration secs = 1
current time secs = 739
elapsed time secs = 1
CM> 0x000b7232 [DHCP Server Thread] BcmDhcpServerThread::ThreadMain: (DHCP Server Thread) Callback request expired:
timerDuration secs = 1
current time secs = 750
elapsed time secs = 1
CM> Starting Tftp of configuration file...
Opening file 'dynamic config xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' on xx.xx.xx.xx for reading...
tftp-enforce bypass is using xx.xx.xx.xx:dynamic config xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Initiating fake TFTP Get (tftp-enforce bypass)
Bypass failed.Error Illegal operation
0x000b82fe [CmDocsisIpThread] Tftp Client::Send: (Tftp Client) ERROR - Recv'd error code (1) - <File not found>
0x000b8308 [CmDocsisIpThread] BcmCmDocsisIpThread::TftpConfigFile: (CmDocsisIpThread) ERROR - Failed to open the file on the TFTP server!
0x000b8308 [CmDocsisIpThread] BcmCmDocsisIpThread::RestartTftpConfigFile: (CmDocsisIpThread) ERROR - Failed to TFTP config file after 4 tries! Aborting...0x000b8308 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::IpInitErrorEvent: (CmDocsi
sCtlThread) ERROR - IP helper returned kTftpInitFailed error! Restarting!
0x000b8308 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::SyncRestartErrorEvent: (CmDocsisCtlThread) reason: 12 (kTftpInitFailed)
Logging event: TFTP failed - configuration file NOT FOUND
Not logging event ID 2436694038, control for level 7 is 0.
Logging event: Tftp Init Failed - Reinitialize MAC...
Deleting DOCSIS 1.0 CoS Settings for SID 0x1d520x000b83d0 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmDocsisCmHalIf:Big GrineleteAllServiceFlows: (DOCSIS CableModem HalIf) Deleting all Upstream and Downstream Service Flows, along with associated Classifiers and PHS rules...Stopping DHCP/ToD/TFTP (client requested)...
The ToD thread was stopped.
DHCPc: Releasing the lease with client id htype=1, value=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
DHCPc: Sending Release packet; client id htype=1, value=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
0x000b83da [DHCP Client Thread] BcmDhcpClientIf::SendDhcpPacket: (DHCP ClientIf for IP Stack1) WARNING - Failed to send packet!
0x000b83da [DHCP Client Thread] BcmDhcpClientIf::SendRelease: (DHCP ClientIf for IP Stack1) WARNING - Failed to create/send Release packet! Oh, well, no biggie...
0x000b83e4 [DHCP Client Thread] BcmEcosIpHalIf::RemoveLeaseImpl: (IP Stack1 HalIf) Removing lease IP address xx.xx.xx.xx from IP stack 1
0x000b83e4 [DHCP Client Thread] BcmEcosIpHalIf::RemoveLeaseImpl: (IP Stack1 HalIf) This is the last address on the stack; shutting the stack down:numberOfAddresses=1
0x000b83e4 [DHCP Client Thread] BcmEcosIpHalIf::ShutdownIpStackImpl: (IP Stack1 HalIf)
Shutting down IP stack 1
SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support IpStackEvent: Ip=, Subnet=, Gateway=
CM> DefaultSnmpAgentClass::RestartPendingEvent for SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support
SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support resetting to default state.
SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support destroying users...
Pausing trap thread
SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support destroying notifies...
Resuming trap thread
SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support destroying views...
SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support sending deferred traps...
Done w/ deferred traps.
SB5102 CM Event Log w/ BRCM Factory Support sending deferred async messages...
Done w/ deferred msgs
SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support defering traps.
SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support setting V1/V2 view to unrestricted
SB5102 CPE Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support setting V1/V2 view to docsisCpeView
Non-Vol Settings successfully written to the device.
0x000b84de [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::ResetRngState: (CmDocsisCtlThread)

@@@@@ In ResetRngState, fRemainingInitRngPowerSteps 170x000b84de [Scan Downstream Thread] BcmVendorCmDownstreamScanThread::ThreadMain:
(Scan Downstream Thread) Downstream Channel scan stopped!
0x000b84f2 [Scan Downstream Thread] BcmVendorCmDownstreamScanThread::ThreadMain:
(Scan Downstream Thread) Scanning for a Downstream Channel...

mot_scanList: Setting override freq @ 0
Favorite[2].freq = 693000000
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 693000000 Hz, QAM64/256
CM> Found energy at frequency 693000000Hz! Publishing event kEventEnergyDetected...
0x000b8740 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::StartUsInit: (CmDocsisCtlThread) Locked on the downstream. Waiting for UCDs...
mot_scanList: Setting override freq @ 705000000
Scanning DS Channel at 705000000 Hz... (Initial target freq)
CM> Found energy at frequency 705000000Hz! Publishing event kEventEnergyDetected...
0x00013c4a [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::StartUsInit: (CmDocsisCtlThread) Locked on the downstream. Waiting for UCDs...

Tuner Frequency = 705000000 Hz
Carrier Offset = 12 Hz
Symbol rate = 5360537 sym/sec
SNR = 35 dB
QAM Mode = QAM256
Tuner AGC = 0xfff00000
IF AGC = 0x17a6e937
Power Level = -10 dB

CM> Selecting UCD for Us Channel 9

0x00014726 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::TestAndLaunchDsTimeSync: (CmDocsisCtlThread) starting ds time sync acquisition...
0x000149ba [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::SyncDsSyncOk: (CmDocsisCtlThread) downstream time sync acquired...
0x000149ba [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread:Big GrinsSyncOkResumeUsInit: (CmDocsisCtlThread) pre-REG upstream target case...starting initial ranging.
Beginning initial ranging...
Using stored initial upstream power = 55.0 dBmV
0x000149c4 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::SyncDsSyncOk: (CmDocsisCtlThread) rx unexpected kDsSyncOk indication...
Not logging event ID 2307948724, control for level 7 is 0.
RNG-RSP Adj: tim=2010 power=0 freq=0 Stat=Continue
RNG-RSP Adj: tim=1 power=0 freq=0 Stat=Continue
RNG-RSP Adj: tim=0 power=0 freq=0 Stat=Success

Upstream Status = UP
Upstream Channel = 9
Upstream Frequency = 30700000 Hz
Upstream Power = 56 dBmV
Ranging SID = 0x19ef
Upstream Symbol Rate = 5120000 sym/sec

Starting IP Initialization with DHCP...
DHCPc: Waiting 1 seconds before sending Discover; client id htype=1, value=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
Not logging event ID 2307948624, control for level 7 is 0.
CM> DHCPc: Sending Discover packet; client id htype=1, value=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
DHCPc: Received an Offer from DHCP server xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx); leas
e client id htype=1, value=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
0x00015c20 [DHCP Server Thread] BcmDhcpServerThread::ThreadMain: (DHCP Server Thread) Callback request expired:
timerDuration secs = 1
current time secs = 89
elapsed time secs = 1
CM> DHCPc: Timed out waiting for offers for lease with client id htype=1, value=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
DHCPc: Sending Request packet; client id htype=1, value=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
DHCPc: Received an Ack from DHCP server xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx); lease
client id htype=1, value=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
Current IP address is default
0x0001640e [DHCP Client Thread] BcmEcosIpHalIf::ConfigureLeaseImpl: (IP Stack1HalIf)
Configuring IP stack 1:
IP Address = xx.xx.xx.xx (primary IP address)
Subnet Mask =
Router = xx.xx.xx.xx
IsPrimaryInterface = 1

Logging event: DHCP WARNING - Non-critical field invalid in response.
ARPing for default GW IP = xx.xx.xx.xx
MAC = xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
DHCP completed successfully!

DHCP Settings:
Client Id = htype=1, value=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
State = Renewing (5)
Static Lease = 0
AutoConfig Mode = IP, Subnet and Router
XID = 0x7c79c1a1
Number of Tries = 0
Max Discover Tries = 6
Max Request Tries = 6
DHCP server MAC addr = xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
Ignore NAKs = 0
My offered IP address = xx.xx.xx.xx (primary IP address)
(1) Subnet Mask =
(3) Router IP address = xx.xx.xx.xx
(54) DHCP Server IP address = xx.xx.xx.xx
(82) Relay Agent IP address = xx.xx.xx.xx
TFTP Server IP address = xx.xx.xx.xx
CM Configuration file = dynamic config xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
(2) UTC Time Offset = 0 seconds
(4) Time Server IP address = xx.xx.xx.xx
(6) Domain Name Server = xx.xx.xx.xx; xx.xx.xx.xx
(7) Log Server IP address =
(51) Lease time = 429399 seconds
(58) T1 (renew) = 214699 seconds
(59) T2 (rebind) = 375724 seconds
Lease is infinite = 0

SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support IpStackEvent: Ip=xx.xx.xx.xx, Subnet=, Gateway=xx.xx.xx.xx
CmSnmpAgent::IpAddressAcquiredEvent for SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support
IP addr = xx.xx.xx.xx
Starting Time Of Day...
0x000164a4 [CmDocsisIpThread] BcmDocsisTimeOfDayThread::SetTodServerIpAddress:
(Time Of Day Thread) ToD servers: xx.xx.xx.xx
Connecting to ToD server xx.xx.xx.xx...
Sending UDP ToD request to server...
SNMP Agent Binding to xx.xx.xx.xx:225
Not logging event ID 2291949724, control for level 7 is 0.
UTC returned by ToD server 3537750910; UTC offset 0
Current system time -> Thu Feb 09 04:35:10 2012

System start time -> Thu Feb 09 04:33:39 2012

Starting Tftp of configuration file...
Opening file 'dynamic config xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' on xx.xx.xx.xx for reading...
tftp-enforce bypass is using dynamic config xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Initiating fake TFTP Get (tftp-enforce bypass)
Bypass failed.Error Illegal operation
0x00016652 [CmDocsisIpThread] Tftp Client::Send: (Tftp Client) ERROR - Recv'd error code (1) - <File not found>
0x0001665c [CmDocsisIpThread] BcmCmDocsisIpThread::TftpConfigFile: (CmDocsisIpThread) ERROR - Failed to open the file on the TFTP server!
0x0001665c [CmDocsisIpThread] BcmCmDocsisIpThread::RestartTftpConfigFile: (CmDocsisIpThread) ERROR - Failed to read the config file, or it was rejected by the client!
0x0001665c [CmDocsisIpThread] BcmCmDocsisIpThread::RestartTftpConfigFile: (CmDocsisIpThread) ERROR - Will try again later...(after 20 seconds).
0x0001665c [CmDocsisIpThread] BcmCmDocsisIpThread::RestartTftpConfigFile: (CmDocsisIpThread) WARNING -
* Using non-DOCSIS compliant TFTP retry timeout value from nonvol!
* DOCSIS requires 600 seconds!

Time Of Day completed...
DefaultSnmpAgentClass::SystemTimeChangeEvent for SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support
Logging event: TFTP failed - configuration file NOT FOUND
Not logging event ID 2291949324, control for level 7 is 0.
turn off bypass/forcing

Initiating fake TFTP Get (tftp-enforce bypass)
Bypass failed.Error Illegal operation
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I did but it did not work.
same error in telnet or different?
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When I uncheck TFTP bypass, there was no more these errors:

Initiating fake TFTP Get (tftp-enforce bypass)
Bypass failed.Error Illegal operation

But there still was: TFTP failed - configuration file NOT FOUND
i've seen this before the force config page shows nothing is being forced but in telnet it still shows that it is
in telnet (coax unplugged)
cd /d
cd /n/d
enable force_cfgfile false

cant remember if next bit was needed or not

My IP Address: {hit enter}
Subnet Mask: {hit enter}
Router IP Address: {hit enter}
Those are the only 3 that really need to be changed
Do you want to change the other settings? [no] (hit Y}
TFTP Server IP Address: {hit enter}
Config file name: {hit enter}
Time Server IP Address: {hit enter}
SysLog Server IP Address: {hit enter}

saying that reset to defaults should do the same thing
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I just do every things as you said but it is still show: TFTP failed - configuration file NOT FOUND

I know that Force Config doesn't work anymore but how I can Force ONLY TFTP?

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