Been looking round the web and there are loads of flavours of TUT's for flashing the ambit 250 , but they all seem really old , none of them discuss latest ver of haxorware or stealth settings for NT*
I have my old subbed ambit (from about 5 years ago when i was a subscriber)
Is it safe to use that with its original mac ??
Do the ambits still even work on Virgin with all the security etc ??
Made myself a max232 and thats working fine , so all ready to go once I get the right info files in place
I have my old subbed ambit (from about 5 years ago when i was a subscriber)
Is it safe to use that with its original mac ??
Do the ambits still even work on Virgin with all the security etc ??
Made myself a max232 and thats working fine , so all ready to go once I get the right info files in place