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Jtag Utility
Good Day,

Hope ya doing well. Does anyone have a download link to Tom's Jtag Utility (as seen in this video).

I'm asking this because for some reason the blackcat usb won't find my board. I'm trying to back up the firmware before I flash. Well actually I'm trying to get the board recognized in the first place.

I've solder a 10-pin on the board checked the continuity with a multimeter and it checked out ok.

I installed the blackcat usb programmer and tried using the blackcat software to backup my firmware but some how the software can't find my board. I'm trying to mod my SB5100. I know its old but I'm doing it for educational purpose and as a soft test to understand what I'm doing before I mod my SBG901.

So I'm trying to see if this Jtag Utility software would work, if that doesn't work, I'll have to try something else. Can anyone help with a download link to this software?

P.S. I currently don't own a windows machine so I'm borrowing one. Hence the reason for my rush to try to get this to work quick. But I was wondering if I can use a VM windows machine on my mac with the black usb. Have anyone here done this? I think I saw a post where drewmerc said he uses vm player in debian. but anywayz thanks in advance for your help.

Yea I'm trying the VM as we speak. As to the Jtag Utility yea understand what you are saying was just hoping it would work and that it was a bug on blackcat software side but anywayz Imma keep trying. Thanks for the fast reply

Just updating this thread if someone was concern about the VMware scenario as well got it to work. Below are the specs:

VMWare Fusion
[Image: Screen_Shot_2015_08_10_at_10_27_45_PM.png]

Blackcat Software version
[Image: Screen_Shot_2015_08_10_at_10_28_28_PM.png]

OSX Version
[Image: Screen_Shot_2015_08_10_at_10_28_50_PM.png]

Windows 7 specs
[Image: Screen_Shot_2015_08_10_at_10_40_32_PM.jpg]

You can see the error I'm having with the blackcat usb software. I'll figure it out.

I'll place the specs in writing later should incase the image hosting site goes down.

that is a connection error mate i think


Check Connection To Board .. Maybe Spin It Round...
Kool Box3r been doing some research. I've downloaded the latest software package for the balckcat usb from the embeddedcomputers site. I was downloading the software package from the blackcat website but they had an outdated version.

I check the latest package that I downloaded from embeddedcomputers and they had an updated PDF document that stated v2.x boards pin out are different and my blackcat board is v2.1 so I'm checking that out now. I'm currently at work so I'll need to revisit this when I get home. Hopefully I find resolve the issue soon. I'll update this post when I do resolve it.
I got a chance to try the updated pin out at lunch. The documentation had this pin out:

Here is an extract from the documentation that I cropped out:

New pin out

The pin out for the SB5100 that I used was from this thread:

I even tried flipping the cable after as stated in this thread:

Still no luck.

However I had one question to ask and I believe this can be answered by anyone who uses the blackcat usb device. When trying to connect to the target board does it matter what mode you are in DFU or Application. From my reading I'm understanding that DFU mode is only used to program the blackcat device itself, so I believe when reading the RAM contents or flashing the modem it should be in "Applicaiton mode". I'm a right?

Honestly I tried both but I just want to understand how it works.
Thanks ziricom much appreciated. I think imma re-installed the most recent drivers, flash the BCUSB with the provide EJTAG firmware, connect the modem using the above pinouts and see if it picks up the new the target board.

it turned out that my pinout was incorrect.

I had pin1 as TCK when it should have been TRST below is an image of the pinout I used.

[Image: 2wp3xg2.jpg]

Proof of connection.

Thank for all the help fellaz onto backing up and flashing then Imma clone my modem I got from the company.

I stumble upon this because of blake self and bitemytaco speech at defcon 18 (which is part 2 to their first speech at defcon 16), and they advise you not to clone modems in the speech at defcon 18. But I mean im cloning my modem that I will not use so wouldn't it be safe to do so. I believe they advise you not to do this because your ISP will see two identical modems on their network and know wats up. anywayz do you guys think what i'm planning to do make sense. clone my modem the sbg901 on the sb5100 and put that online instead. Can that even be done?

and once again thanks for all the help.
Well, release IP wont do nothing nowdays on most ISP's.
The same IP is gonna be assigned again. Use to be truth long time ago, but nowdays most ISP's assign all the time the same IP, based on comp ID, modem serial , MAC and nobody knows what else.

And if there is TAP ID in his neighborhood, then disconnecting modem wont help much, as he is gonna be located to a few houses.

If ISP's install all TAP's with ID, then game is gonna be over for everybody.
But that is too big investment, and they do not do it in the nearest future.

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