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DHCP dont giving me IP
Hi, i have dpc2100 modem with haxorware 39 on it, problem is i losted my original firmware, and my modem pass all registrations exept i cant get IP from DHCP. Well im paying for my internet and mac and serial are legit, but im afraid telling ISP i changed firmware gona piss them off. Is any way that i can manualy configure IP addres or anything to force DHCP giving me one.
If anybody can help!
no mention of your certs being legit, so i'll skip telling you to rebuild a stock firmware
do a bad flash ring your isp get them to swap it for a good one
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Hey thats good idea to tell them CM is broken.
if your modem will not power on or was briked. would be good to think about it.
tell us what settings you have? I bet you just copied the way to have valid certs...
Well i just instaled haxorware few years ago when DL speed was 128 kbs,
with hiden page,thought gona be button for 256kbs or something, and dint touched modem after that, readed a bit forums as i can understand certs coming from ISP side. Well modem is epc 2100 r2, and i dont have clue where to find certs for it, well my brother have same modem and same ISP, but i dont know how to do it anyway.
(02-10-2013, 04:08 PM)Sandra Wrote: Well i just instaled haxorware few years ago when DL speed was 128 kbs,
with hiden page,thought gona be button for 256kbs or something, and dint touched modem after that, readed a bit forums as i can understand certs coming from ISP side. Well modem is epc 2100 r2, and i dont have clue where to find certs for it, well my brother have same modem and same ISP, but i dont know how to do it anyway.

Now the Cockney version

Quote:Well i just instaled 'axorware few years ago wen DL speed were 128 kbs,
wiv 'iden page,ffought gona be button for 256kbs or sumfink, and dint touched modem after that, readed a bit forums as i can understand certs comin' from ISP side. Well modem is epc 2100 r2, right, and i dont 'ave clue where ter find certs for it, well me bruvver 'ave same modem and same ISP, but i dont know 'ow ter do it any road.
i don't see the difference
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"jr busted a funny!

My life is complete, now. I can die in Peace! I have officially "seen all there is to see"

Too funny!
Sothern in Cockney


"jr nicked a funny! Honest guv!

Me life is complete, right, now. I can die in Peace! Oi! I 'ave officially "seen all there is ter see"

Too funny! Honest guv!

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