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5101e probs
hi all,iv been a member here for a while but this is my 1st post,iff u wonder why its cuz i like to read and try before i post and now iv exhausted all options,i was a member of the late wmods and hope sum members are on here...
anyways heres my prob...
.... i hane a subbed 480 that works downstairs and upstairs perfectly but wen i put my 5101e on either connection my upstream freq is about 1.5db and my upstream is 55db which i no is too high,as iv mentioned at beginning of post my sub works perfect on both wots going on??
iv got it to lock and go operational once on 000f but its 256 tv mac i think but havent succeded since. iv got a number of modems with diffent fw on and cant get it to happen.
iv got 5101e orig fw on ..... i put a mac in and wen i goto overview page the mac comes up as de:ad thats all macs on this page

i got 2 other 5101es 1 wiv r39lite on and one wiv diag on
help please

iv also bin reading up on ambjr post on bpi + and sum things make sense but lots dont i think this may b my prob iff so can sum1 point me in the rite direction dont wana b spoon fed or anything but iv been reading and trying for the past 6 weeks now so any info wud b much appreciated ...
also im in the uk on vm
and many thanks for taking time reading such a long post

Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself!!!

Regardless of who starts first; ability decides seniority !!!!!
lots of info at, it will benefit you to
get a VIP membership.
hummm if i'd seen this yesterday before anybody else i'd have deleted it, your English and i'll assume your over 16 so you'll have at leased
11 years of a formal English education, yet you write like that, this is not facebook
turn on your spell checker, if you do not know how, you should not even be here

i'd rather have a polish gippo writing broken english than an english man write like that
******new discord chat link*******
appologies for my spelling but i didnt want to take up a complete page on my problem so i thought i reduce the amount of time for people having to read such a long post
Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself!!!

Regardless of who starts first; ability decides seniority !!!!!
here is my telnet log iff this helps

=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PuTTY log 2012.10.14 15:47:15 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=
Haxorware integrated telnet daemon

Username: SHOCK
Password: ******

CM> run
CM> run_app

Running the system...

Beginning Cable Modem operation...

0x0000ee2a [Scan Downstream Thread] BcmVendorCmDownstreamScanThread::ThreadMain: (Scan Downstream Thread) Scanning for a Downstream Channel...

mot_scanList: Setting override freq @ 0
Favorite[0].freq = 331000000
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 331000000 Hz, QAM64/256

CM> Found energy at frequency 331000000Hz! Publishing event kEventEnergyDetected...
0x0000f226 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::StartUsInit: (CmDocsisCtlThread) Locked on the downstream. Waiting for UCDs...

Tuner Frequency = 331000000 Hz
Carrier Offset = -13 Hz
Symbol rate = 5360537 sym/sec
SNR = 36 dB
QAM Mode = QAM256
Tuner AGC = 0xfff00000
IF AGC = 0x14f0e0a3
Power Level = 1 dB

CM> Selecting UCD for Us Channel 2

0x0000fd16 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::TestAndLaunchDsTimeSync: (CmDocsisCtlThread) starting ds time sync acquisition...
0x0000ff96 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::SyncDsSyncOk: (CmDocsisCtlThread) downstream time sync acquired...
0x0000ff96 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread:Big GrinsSyncOkResumeUsInit: (CmDocsisCtlThread) pre-REG upstream target case...starting initial ranging.
Beginning initial ranging...
Using stored initial upstream power = 8.0 dBmV
0x0000ffa0 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::SyncDsSyncOk: (CmDocsisCtlThread) rx unexpected kDsSyncOk indication...
Not logging event ID 2307948724, control for level 7 is 0.

CM> Adjusting the initial ranging power to 33.0 dBmV...
Logging event: No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out (US 2)

CM> Adjusting the initial ranging power to 46.0 dBmV...
Logging event: No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out (US 2)

RNG-RSP Adj: tim=2449 power=10 freq=0 Stat=Continue

RNG-RSP Adj: tim=0 power=0 freq=0 Stat=Success

Upstream Status = UP
Upstream Channel = 2
Upstream Frequency = 22200000 Hz
Upstream Power = 48 dBmV
Ranging SID = 0x1fe6
Upstream Symbol Rate = 1280000 sym/sec

Calculating maximum number of IP filters:
Each IP filter consumes 1852 bytes of RAM.
Current free RAM is 497756 bytes.
Max heap reserved for IP filters (25%) = 124439
We can support 67 IP filters.
Calculating maximum number of LLC filters:
Each LLC filter consumes 712 bytes of RAM.
Current free RAM is 497736 bytes.
Max heap reserved for LLC filters (25%) = 124434
We can support 174 LLC filters.
Starting IP Initialization with DHCP...
DHCPc: Waiting 1 seconds before sending Discover; client id htype=1, value=00:20:40:XX:XX:XX
Not logging event ID 2307948624, control for level 7 is 0.

CM> DHCPc: Sending Discover packet; client id htype=1, value=00:20:40:XX:XX:XX

CM> DHCPc: Timed out waiting for offers for lease with client id htype=1, value=00:20:40:XX:XX:XX
DHCPc: No valid offers to select; need to send discover again.
Logging event: DHCP FAILED - Discover sent, no offer received

CM> DHCPc: Sending Discover packet; client id htype=1, value=00:20:40:XX:XX:XX

CM> DHCPc: Timed out waiting for offers for lease with client id htype=1, value=00:20:40:XX:XX:XX
DHCPc: No valid offers to select; need to send discover again.
Logging event: DHCP FAILED - Discover sent, no offer received

CM> DHCPc: Sending Discover packet; client id htype=1, value=00:20:40:XX:XX:XX

Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself!!!

Regardless of who starts first; ability decides seniority !!!!!
take a full dump from a subbed modem, flash it to your modem then reinstall haxorware
******new discord chat link*******
thanks,the only trouble i have is that my subbed modem is a vmdg480 not 5101e,i have made backups from previous modems ive played with but none of them were online.iv only had a 280 then got upgraded to a crappy 480 so what are my options??
and thanks again
Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself!!!

Regardless of who starts first; ability decides seniority !!!!!
find somebody with an older d2 modem (this is why they are removing them from the network)
******new discord chat link*******
So basically everyone i no now has a 480, iff i copy the dump off that and put it on my spare 480,change the mac il b up and running again?
Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself!!!

Regardless of who starts first; ability decides seniority !!!!!
Change the MAC? I dont think so

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