(25-09-2012, 10:16 PM)ABMJR Wrote: Kornwood is correct, The TLV's dont exist and are in-correct...
The TLV will specific to the hardware of the modem being submitted
I posted the logs from dpc2100r2 and sb5101
Here is the latest log with R32 port 161, looks like there is no TLV specific to the hardware error
=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PuTTY log 2012.09.25 17:49:20 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=
Haxorware integrated telnet daemon
Username: root
Password: *****
CM> run
CM> run_app
Running the system...
Beginning Cable Modem operation...
0x006f1724 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmVendorCmApplication::StartDhcpServer: (VendorExtension CmApp) Starting DHCP Server!
0x006f1724 [IGMP Thread] BcmIgmpThread::Stopping Igmp Thread...: (IGMP Thread)
CamDeleteAddress: Deleted address from cam segment 0
CamDeleteAddress: Deleted address from cam segment 0
CamDeleteAddress: Deleted address from cam segment 0
CM> Deleting DOCSIS 1.0 CoS Settings for SID 0x9f6
0x006f17ec [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmDocsisCmHalIf:

Stopping DHCP/ToD/TFTP (client requested)...
The ToD thread was stopped.
DHCPc: Releasing the lease with client id htype=1, value=00:1e:69:b3:xx:xx
DHCPc: Sending Release packet; client id htype=1, value=00:1e:69:b3:xx:xx
0x006f17f6 [DHCP Client Thread] BcmDhcpClientIf::SendDhcpPacket: (DHCP ClientIf for IP Stack1) WARNING - Failed to send packet!
0x006f17f6 [DHCP Client Thread] BcmDhcpClientIf::SendRelease: (DHCP ClientIf for IP Stack1) WARNING - Failed to create/send Release packet! Oh, well, no biggie...
0x006f1800 [DHCP Client Thread] BcmEcosIpHalIf::RemoveLeaseImpl: (IP Stack1 HalIf) Removing lease IP address from IP stack 1
0x006f1800 [DHCP Client Thread] BcmEcosIpHalIf::RemoveLeaseImpl: (IP Stack1 HalIf) This is the last address on the stack; shutting the stack down:numberOfAddresses=1
0x006f1800 [DHCP Client Thread] BcmEcosIpHalIf::ShutdownIpStackImpl: (IP Stack1 HalIf)
Shutting down IP stack 1
CM> DefaultSnmpAgentClass::RestartPendingEvent for SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support
SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support resetting to default state.
SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support destroying users...
Pausing trap thread
SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support destroying notifies...
Resuming trap thread
SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support setting V1/V2 view to unrestricted
SB5102 CPE Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support setting V1/V2 view to docsisCpeView
Non-Vol Settings successfully written to the device.
0x006f192c [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::ResetRngState: (CmDocsisCtlThread)
@@@@@ In ResetRngState, fRemainingInitRngPowerSteps 17
0x006f192c [Scan Downstream Thread] BcmVendorCmDownstreamScanThread::ThreadMain: (Scan Downstream Thread) Downstream Channel scan stopped!
0x006f1940 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::SyncStop: (CmDocsisCtlThread)
* Locking off-frequency so that we don't receive any
* messages or data. Ignore the scan messages that follow...
0x006f1940 [Scan Downstream Thread] BcmVendorCmDownstreamScanThread::ThreadMain: (Scan Downstream Thread) Scanning for a Downstream Channel...
mot_scanList: Setting override freq @ 7000000
Scanning DS Channel at 7000000 Hz... (Initial target freq)
0x006f1940 [Scan Downstream Thread] BcmVendorCmDownstreamScanThread::ThreadMain: (Scan Downstream Thread) Scanning for a Downstream Channel...
mot_scanList: Setting override freq @ 0
Favorite[1].freq = 309000000
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 309000000 Hz, QAM64/256
CM> 0x006f1ba2 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::StartUsInit: (CmDocsisCtlThread)
CM did not lock to target ds freq. Non-zero target us chan id
no longer applies. Setting target us to 0.
0x006f1ba2 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::StartUsInit: (CmDocsisCtlThread) Locked on the downstream. Waiting for UCDs...
Tuner Frequency = 309000000 Hz
Carrier Offset = 10 Hz
Symbol rate = 5360537 sym/sec
SNR = 34 dB
QAM Mode = QAM256
Tuner AGC = 0xfff00000
IF AGC = 0x17fc70c4
Power Level = -11 dB
CM> Selecting UCD for Us Channel 10
0x006f2516 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::TestAndLaunchDsTimeSync: (CmDocsisCtlThread) starting ds time sync acquisition...
0x006f27aa [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::SyncDsSyncOk: (CmDocsisCtlThread) downstream time sync acquired...
0x006f27aa [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread:

Beginning initial ranging...
Using default initial upstream power = 8.0 dBmV
0x006f27b4 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::SyncDsSyncOk: (CmDocsisCtlThread) rx unexpected kDsSyncOk indication...
Not logging event ID 2307948724, control for level 7 is 0.
CM> Adjusting the initial ranging power to 33.0 dBmV...
Logging event: No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out (US 10)
CM> Adjusting the initial ranging power to 46.0 dBmV...
Logging event: No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out (US 10)
RNG-RSP Adj: tim=1946 power=11 freq=0 Stat=Continue
RNG-RSP Adj: tim=0 power=0 freq=278 Stat=Continue
RNG-RSP Adj: tim=0 power=1 freq=0 Stat=Success
Upstream Status = UP
Upstream Channel = 10
Upstream Frequency = 23800000 Hz
Upstream Power = 50 dBmV
Ranging SID = 0x5d5
Upstream Symbol Rate = 5120000 sym/sec
Starting IP Initialization with DHCP...
DHCPc: Waiting 3 seconds before sending Discover; client id htype=1, value=00:1e:69:b3:xx:xx
Not logging event ID 2307948624, control for level 7 is 0.
CM> DHCPc: Sending Discover packet; client id htype=1, value=00:1e:69:b3:xx:xx
DHCPc: Received an Offer from DHCP server 00:01:5c:32:3e:c1 (; lease client id htype=1, value=00:1e:69:b3:xx:xx
CM> DHCPc: Timed out waiting for offers for lease with client id htype=1, value=00:1e:69:b3:xx:xx
DHCPc: Sending Request packet; client id htype=1, value=00:1e:69:b3:xx:xx
DHCPc: Received an Ack from DHCP server 00:01:5c:32:3e:c1 (; lease client id htype=1, value=00:1e:69:b3:1f:84
Current IP address is default
0x006f61de [DHCP Client Thread] BcmEcosIpHalIf::ConfigureLeaseImpl: (IP Stack1 HalIf)
Configuring IP stack 1:
IP Address = (primary IP address)
Subnet Mask =
Router =
IsPrimaryInterface = 1
Logging event: DHCP WARNING - Non-critical field invalid in response.
ARPing for default GW IP =
MAC = 00:01:5c:32:3e:c1
DHCP completed successfully!
DHCP Settings:
Client Id = htype=1, value=00:1e:69:b3:xx:xx
State = Renewing (5)
Static Lease = 0
AutoConfig Mode = IP, Subnet and Router
XID = 0x3d48479b
Number of Tries = 0
Max Discover Tries = 6
Max Request Tries = 6
DHCP server MAC addr = 00:01:5c:32:3e:c1
My offered IP address = (primary IP address)
(1) Subnet Mask =
(3) Router IP address =
(54) DHCP Server IP address =
(82) Relay Agent IP address =
TFTP Server IP address =
CM Configuration file = '?BBgdiUcAHmmzH4QKRLoW@CkS6FoKUwCH6bhmKtr72VvNKrOwgyUIw'
(2) UTC Time Offset = -18000 seconds
(4) Time Server IP address =
(6) Domain Name Server =;;
(7) Log Server IP address =
(51) Lease time = 1136420 seconds
(58) T1 (renew) = 568210 seconds
(59) T2 (rebind) = 994367 seconds
Lease is infinite = 0
CmSnmpAgent::IpAddressAcquiredEvent for SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support
IP addr =
Starting Time Of Day...
0x006f627e [CmDocsisIpThread] BcmDocsisTimeOfDayThread::SetTodServerIpAddress: (Time Of Day Thread) ToD servers:
Connecting to ToD server
Sending UDP ToD request to server...
Not logging event ID 2291949724, control for level 7 is 0.
UTC returned by ToD server 3557598598; UTC offset -18000
Current system time -> Tue Sep 25 16:49:58 2012
System start time -> Tue Sep 25 14:48:19 2012
Starting Tftp of configuration file...
Opening file '?BBgdiUcAHmmzH4QKRLoW@CkS6FoKUwCH6bhmKtr72VvNKrOwgyUIw' on for reading...
Resuming SNMP Thread
tftp-enforce bypass is DISABLED
SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support IpStackEvent: Ip=, Subnet=, Gateway=
Ip addr is the same, not rebinding.
SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support IpStackEvent: Ip=, Subnet=, Gateway=
Ip addr is the same, not rebinding.
Storing received cfg of size 4260 to memory
Tftp read < 512 bytes, we have reached end of file.
Tftp transfer complete!
TFTP Settings:
Stack Interface = 1
Server Ip Address =
Server Port Number = 63659
Total Blocks Read = 9
Total Bytes Read = 4260
Config file was read! IP Initialization completed...
MAX CPE per CM is being set to 32
TLV-11[1]: ->
TLV-11[2]: ->
TLV-11[3]: -> RR_nycmny_si_m0d3m5
TLV-11[4]: -> 3 (i32)
TLV-11[5]: -> HEX:40 00
TLV-11[6]: -> 4 (i32)
TLV-11[7]: ->
TLV-11[8]: ->
TLV-11[9]: -> yZaK4E8l
TLV-11[10]: -> 2 (i32)
TLV-11[11]: -> HEX:40 00
TLV-11[12]: -> 4 (i32)
TLV-11[13]: ->
TLV-11[14]: ->
TLV-11[15]: -> ITUtuTVSkz0Oz94
TLV-11[16]: -> 2 (i32)
TLV-11[17]: -> HEX:40 00
TLV-11[18]: -> 4 (i32)
TLV-11[19]: ->
TLV-11[20]: ->
TLV-11[21]: -> V2pLxJKUkopRPcY
TLV-11[22]: -> 3 (i32)
TLV-11[23]: -> HEX:40 00
TLV-11[24]: -> 4 (i32)
TLV-11[25]: -> 1 (i32)
TLV-11[26]: -> 4 (i32)
TLV-11[27]: -> 0 (i32)
TLV-11[28]: -> 1 (i32)
TLV-11[29]: -> 2048 (i32)
TLV-11[30]: -> 4 (i32)
TLV-11[31]: -> 0 (i32)
TLV-11[32]: -> 1 (i32)
TLV-11[33]: -> 2054 (i32)
TLV-11[34]: -> 2 (i32)
TLV-11[35]: -> 4 (i32)
TLV-11[36]: -> 1 (i32)
TLV-11[37]: -> 1 (i32)
TLV-11[38]: ->
TLV-11[39]: ->
TLV-11[40]: -> 4 (i32)
TLV-11[41]: -> 2 (i32)
TLV-11[42]: -> 1 (i32)
TLV-11[43]: -> 6 (i32)
TLV-11[44]: -> 135 (i32)
TLV-11[45]: -> 139 (i32)
TLV-11[46]: -> 4 (i32)
TLV-11[47]: -> 2 (i32)
TLV-11[48]: -> 1 (i32)
TLV-11[49]: -> 17 (i32)
TLV-11[50]: -> 135 (i32)
TLV-11[51]: -> 139 (i32)
TLV-11[52]: -> 4 (i32)
TLV-11[53]: -> 2 (i32)
TLV-11[54]: -> 1 (i32)
TLV-11[55]: -> 6 (i32)
TLV-11[56]: -> 445 (i32)
TLV-11[57]: -> 445 (i32)
TLV-11[58]: -> 4 (i32)
TLV-11[59]: -> 2 (i32)
TLV-11[60]: -> 1 (i32)
TLV-11[61]: -> 17 (i32)
TLV-11[62]: -> 445 (i32)
TLV-11[63]: -> 445 (i32)
TLV-11[64]: -> 4 (i32)
TLV-11[65]: -> 2 (i32)
TLV-11[66]: -> 1 (i32)
TLV-11[67]: -> 6 (i32)
TLV-11[68]: -> 593 (i32)
TLV-11[69]: -> 593 (i32)
TLV-11[70]: -> 4 (i32)
TLV-11[71]: -> 2 (i32)
TLV-11[72]: -> 1 (i32)
TLV-11[73]: -> 17 (i32)
TLV-11[74]: -> 68 (i32)
TLV-11[75]: -> 68 (i32)
TLV-11[76]: -> 67 (i32)
TLV-11[77]: -> 67 (i32)
TLV-11[78]: -> 4 (i32)
TLV-11[79]: -> 1 (i32)
TLV-11[80]: -> 1 (i32)
TLV-11[81]: -> 17 (i32)
TLV-11[82]: -> 67 (i32)
TLV-11[83]: -> 67 (i32)
TLV-11[84]: -> 68 (i32)
TLV-11[85]: -> 68 (i32)
TLV-11[86]: -> 4 (i32)
TLV-11[87]: -> 2 (i32)
TLV-11[88]: -> 2 (i32)
TLV-11[89]: ->
TLV-11[90]: ->
TLV-11[91]: -> 4 (i32)
TLV-11[92]: -> 0 (i32)
TLV-11[93]: -> 1 (i32)
TLV-11[94]: ->
TLV-11[95]: ->
TLV-11[96]: -> 4 (i32)
TLV-11[97]: -> 1 (i32)
TLV-11[98]: -> 3 (i32)
TLV-11[99]: ->
TLV-11[100]: ->
TLV-11[101]: -> 4 (i32)
TLV-11[102]: -> 2 (i32)
TLV-11[103]: -> 1 (i32)
TLV-11[104]: -> 1 (i32)
TLV-11[105]: ->
TLV-11[106]: ->
TLV-11[107]: -> 17 (i32)
TLV-11[108]: -> 4 (i32)
TLV-11[109]: -> 1 (i32)
TLV-11[110]: -> 1 (i32)
TLV-11[111]: ->
TLV-11[112]: ->
TLV-11[113]: -> 17 (i32)
Time Of Day completed...
DefaultSnmpAgentClass::SystemTimeChangeEvent for SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support
SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support processing TLV-11's
SNMP packet sent to
113 TLV-11's OK.
Sending a REG-REQ to the CMTS...
Received a REG-RSP message from the CMTS...
MAC MGT msg buf, len=1040
00 1e 69 b3 1f 84 00 01 5c 32 3e d2 04 02 00 00 | ..i.....\2>.....
03 01 07 00 05 d5 00 05 2d 01 01 01 02 01 02 03 | ........-.......
01 01 04 01 01 06 01 01 07 01 0f 08 01 10 0a 01 | ................
01 0b 01 18 0c 01 01 0f 01 01 10 04 00 00 00 01 | ................
11 01 01 13 01 01 08 03 00 01 5c 18 50 06 01 07 | ..........\.P...
01 02 00 01 02 04 00 16 56 b9 03 02 05 d5 04 0b | ........V.......
75 73 5f 68 73 64 5f 72 65 73 00 08 04 00 0f a0 | us_hsd_res......
00 0d 02 00 c8 0a 04 00 00 00 00 09 04 00 00 18 | ................
00 07 01 00 0b 02 00 00 0c 02 00 00 0e 02 18 00 | ................
17 02 00 00 0f 01 02 10 04 00 00 00 00 18 28 06 | ..............(.
01 07 01 02 00 03 02 04 00 16 56 c1 03 02 08 8c | ..........V.....
08 04 00 03 e8 00 09 04 00 00 0b e4 0e 02 0b e4 | ................
17 02 00 00 0f 01 02 18 28 06 01 07 01 02 00 04 | ........(.......
02 04 00 16 56 c2 03 02 04 09 08 04 00 0f a0 00 | ....V...........
09 04 00 00 0b e4 0e 02 0b e4 17 02 00 00 0f 01 | ................
02 19 41 06 01 07 01 02 00 05 02 04 00 16 56 ba | ..A...........V.
04 0b 64 73 5f 68 73 64 5f 72 65 73 00 08 04 00 | ..ds_hsd_res....
9c 40 00 0d 02 00 c8 0a 04 00 00 00 00 09 04 00 | .@..............
98 96 80 07 01 00 0b 02 00 00 0c 02 00 00 0e 04 | ................
00 00 00 00 19 19 06 01 07 01 02 00 07 02 04 00 | ................
16 56 c3 08 04 00 03 e8 00 09 04 00 00 0b e4 19 | .V..............
19 06 01 07 01 02 00 08 02 04 00 16 56 c4 08 04 | ............V...
00 00 00 00 09 04 00 00 0b e4 16 29 04 04 00 16 | ...........)....
56 c2 02 02 00 01 01 01 28 03 02 00 04 09 10 06 | V.......(.......
04 ff ff fc 00 02 02 01 00 05 04 47 4a 2c 00 05 | ...........GJ,..
01 28 06 01 01 16 29 04 04 00 16 56 c2 02 02 00 | .(....)....V....
02 01 01 29 03 02 00 04 09 10 06 04 ff ff ff 00 | ...)............
02 02 01 00 05 04 18 1c c7 00 05 01 29 06 01 01 | ............)...
16 29 04 04 00 16 56 c2 02 02 00 03 01 01 2a 03 | .)....V.......*.
02 00 04 09 10 06 04 ff ff ff ff 02 02 01 00 05 | ................
04 4c 55 ec aa 05 01 2a 06 01 01 16 29 04 04 00 | .LU....*....)...
16 56 c2 02 02 00 04 01 01 2b 03 02 00 04 09 10 | .V.......+......
06 04 ff ff ff ff 02 02 01 00 05 04 41 b9 e3 29 | ............A..)
05 01 2b 06 01 01 16 29 04 04 00 16 56 c2 02 02 | ..+....)....V...
00 05 01 01 2c 03 02 00 04 09 10 06 04 ff ff ff | ....,...........
e0 02 02 01 00 05 04 45 4c 51 40 05 01 2c 06 01 | .......ELQ@..,..
01 16 29 04 04 00 16 56 c2 02 02 00 06 01 01 2d | ..)....V.......-
03 02 00 04 09 10 06 04 ff ff ff ff 02 02 01 00 | ................
05 04 18 1c c2 89 05 01 2d 06 01 01 16 29 04 04 | ........-....)..
00 16 56 c2 02 02 00 07 01 01 2e 03 02 00 04 09 | ..V.............
10 06 04 ff ff ff ff 02 02 01 00 05 04 4b b4 96 | .............K..
83 05 01 2e 06 01 01 16 21 04 04 00 16 56 c1 02 | ........!....V..
02 00 01 01 01 06 03 02 00 03 0a 08 02 06 00 1e | ................
69 b3 1f 84 05 01 01 06 01 01 17 29 04 04 00 16 | i..........)....
56 c4 02 02 00 01 01 01 32 03 02 00 08 09 10 02 | V.......2.......
02 01 00 04 04 ff ff fc 00 03 04 47 4a 2c 00 05 | ...........GJ,..
01 32 06 01 01 17 29 04 04 00 16 56 c4 02 02 00 | .2....)....V....
02 01 01 33 03 02 00 08 09 10 02 02 01 00 04 04 | ...3............
ff ff ff 00 03 04 18 1c c7 00 05 01 33 06 01 01 | ............3...
17 29 04 04 00 16 56 c4 02 02 00 03 01 01 34 03 | .)....V.......4.
02 00 08 09 10 02 02 01 00 04 04 ff ff ff ff 03 | ................
04 4c 55 ec aa 05 01 34 06 01 01 17 29 04 04 00 | .LU....4....)...
16 56 c4 02 02 00 04 01 01 35 03 02 00 08 09 10 | .V.......5......
02 02 01 00 04 04 ff ff ff ff 03 04 41 b9 e3 29 | ............A..)
05 01 35 06 01 01 17 29 04 04 00 16 56 c4 02 02 | ..5....)....V...
00 05 01 01 36 03 02 00 08 09 10 02 02 01 00 04 | ....6...........
04 ff ff ff e0 03 04 45 4c 51 40 05 01 36 06 01 | .......ELQ@..6..
01 17 29 04 04 00 16 56 c4 02 02 00 06 01 01 37 | ..)....V.......7
03 02 00 08 09 10 02 02 01 00 04 04 ff ff ff ff | ................
03 04 18 1c c2 89 05 01 37 06 01 01 17 29 04 04 | ........7....)..
00 16 56 c4 02 02 00 07 01 01 38 03 02 00 08 09 | ..V.......8.....
10 02 02 01 00 04 04 ff ff ff ff 03 04 4b b4 96 | .............K..
83 05 01 38 06 01 01 17 27 04 04 00 16 56 c3 02 | ...8....'....V..
02 00 01 01 01 16 03 02 00 07 0a 0e 01 0c 00 1e | ................
69 b3 1f 84 ff ff ff ff ff ff 05 01 01 06 01 01 | i...............
MAC MGT header:
dest addr: 00:1e:69:b3:xx:xx
src addr: 00:01:5c:32:3e:d2
msg len: 0x402 (1026)
control: 0x3
version: 0x1
msg_type: 0x7 REG_RSP
fka reserved: 0
primary sid: 0x5d5
response code: 0 (kConfOk)
CM modem capabilities: T=0x05 (005) L=0x2d (045) V=
concat support: T=0x01 (001) L=0x01 (001) V=0x01 (1)
DOCSIS version: T=0x02 (002) L=0x01 (001) V=0x02 (2)
frag support: T=0x03 (003) L=0x01 (001) V=0x01 (1)
PHS support: T=0x04 (004) L=0x01 (001) V=0x01 (1)
BPI version: T=0x06 (006) L=0x01 (001) V=0x01 (1)
num DS SAID's: T=0x07 (007) L=0x01 (001) V=0x0f (15)
num US Sid's: T=0x08 (008) L=0x01 (001) V=0x10 (16)
TxEq Taps per Symbol: T=0x0a (010) L=0x01 (001) V=0x01 (1)
num TxEq Taps: T=0x0b (011) L=0x01 (001) V=0x18 (24)
DCC support: T=0x0c (012) L=0x01 (001) V=0x01 (1)
Unknown type. Ignore!: T=0x0f (015) L=0x01 (001) V=01 | .
Unknown type. Ignore!: T=0x10 (016) L=0x04 (004) V=00 00 00 01 | ....
L2VPN capability: T=0x11 (017) L=0x01 (001) V=0x01 (1)
DUT filtering support: T=0x13 (019) L=0x01 (001) V=0x01 (1)
Unknown type. Ignore!: T=0x08 (008) L=0x03 (003) V=00 01 5c | ..\
v1.1 US flow sets: T=0x18 (024) L=0x50 (080) V=
QoS param set type: T=0x06 (006) L=0x01 (001) V=0x07 (7)
CM flow ref: T=0x01 (001) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0001 (1)
sfid: T=0x02 (002) L=0x04 (004) V=0x001656b9 (1463993)
sid: T=0x03 (003) L=0x02 (002) V=0x05d5 (1493)
service class name: T=0x04 (004) L=0x0b (011) V='us_hsd_res'
75 73 5f 68 73 64 5f 72 65 73 00 | us_hsd_res.
max tx rate, bps: T=0x08 (008) L=0x04 (004) V=0x000fa000 (1024000)
inactivity Admit, sec: T=0x0d (013) L=0x02 (002) V=0x00c8 (200)
res tx rate, bits/sec: T=0x0a (010) L=0x04 (004) V=0x00000000 (0)
max burst, MAC bytes: T=0x09 (009) L=0x04 (004) V=0x00001800 (6144)
traffic priority: T=0x07 (007) L=0x01 (001) V=0x00 (0)
res rate pkt size: T=0x0b (011) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0000 (0)
inactivity Active,sec: T=0x0c (012) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0000 (0)
max concat burst, byt: T=0x0e (014) L=0x02 (002) V=0x1800 (6144)
IP ToS overwrite: T=0x17 (023) L=0x02 (002) V=00 00 | ..
us bw sched strategy: T=0x0f (015) L=0x01 (001) V=0x02 (2)
CM us req/tx options: T=0x10 (016) L=0x04 (004) V=0x00000000 (0)
v1.1 US flow sets: T=0x18 (024) L=0x28 (040) V=
QoS param set type: T=0x06 (006) L=0x01 (001) V=0x07 (7)
CM flow ref: T=0x01 (001) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0003 (3)
sfid: T=0x02 (002) L=0x04 (004) V=0x001656c1 (1464001)
sid: T=0x03 (003) L=0x02 (002) V=0x088c (2188)
max tx rate, bps: T=0x08 (008) L=0x04 (004) V=0x0003e800 (256000)
max burst, MAC bytes: T=0x09 (009) L=0x04 (004) V=0x00000be4 (3044)
max concat burst, byt: T=0x0e (014) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0be4 (3044)
IP ToS overwrite: T=0x17 (023) L=0x02 (002) V=00 00 | ..
us bw sched strategy: T=0x0f (015) L=0x01 (001) V=0x02 (2)
v1.1 US flow sets: T=0x18 (024) L=0x28 (040) V=
QoS param set type: T=0x06 (006) L=0x01 (001) V=0x07 (7)
CM flow ref: T=0x01 (001) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0004 (4)
sfid: T=0x02 (002) L=0x04 (004) V=0x001656c2 (1464002)
sid: T=0x03 (003) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0409 (1033)
max tx rate, bps: T=0x08 (008) L=0x04 (004) V=0x000fa000 (1024000)
max burst, MAC bytes: T=0x09 (009) L=0x04 (004) V=0x00000be4 (3044)
max concat burst, byt: T=0x0e (014) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0be4 (3044)
IP ToS overwrite: T=0x17 (023) L=0x02 (002) V=00 00 | ..
us bw sched strategy: T=0x0f (015) L=0x01 (001) V=0x02 (2)
v1.1 DS flow sets: T=0x19 (025) L=0x41 (065) V=
QoS param set type: T=0x06 (006) L=0x01 (001) V=0x07 (7)
CM flow ref: T=0x01 (001) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0005 (5)
sfid: T=0x02 (002) L=0x04 (004) V=0x001656ba (1463994)
service class name: T=0x04 (004) L=0x0b (011) V='ds_hsd_res'
64 73 5f 68 73 64 5f 72 65 73 00 | ds_hsd_res.
max tx rate, bps: T=0x08 (008) L=0x04 (004) V=0x009c4000 (10240000)
inactivity Admit, sec: T=0x0d (013) L=0x02 (002) V=0x00c8 (200)
res tx rate, bits/sec: T=0x0a (010) L=0x04 (004) V=0x00000000 (0)
max burst, MAC bytes: T=0x09 (009) L=0x04 (004) V=0x00989680 (10000000)
traffic priority: T=0x07 (007) L=0x01 (001) V=0x00 (0)
res rate pkt size: T=0x0b (011) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0000 (0)
inactivity Active,sec: T=0x0c (012) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0000 (0)
max ds latency, usec: T=0x0e (014) L=0x04 (004) V=0x00000000 (0)
v1.1 DS flow sets: T=0x19 (025) L=0x19 (025) V=
QoS param set type: T=0x06 (006) L=0x01 (001) V=0x07 (7)
CM flow ref: T=0x01 (001) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0007 (7)
sfid: T=0x02 (002) L=0x04 (004) V=0x001656c3 (1464003)
max tx rate, bps: T=0x08 (008) L=0x04 (004) V=0x0003e800 (256000)
max burst, MAC bytes: T=0x09 (009) L=0x04 (004) V=0x00000be4 (3044)
v1.1 DS flow sets: T=0x19 (025) L=0x19 (025) V=
QoS param set type: T=0x06 (006) L=0x01 (001) V=0x07 (7)
CM flow ref: T=0x01 (001) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0008 (8)
sfid: T=0x02 (002) L=0x04 (004) V=0x001656c4 (1464004)
max tx rate, bps: T=0x08 (008) L=0x04 (004) V=0x00000000 (0)
max burst, MAC bytes: T=0x09 (009) L=0x04 (004) V=0x00000be4 (3044)
v1.1 US classifier: T=0x16 (022) L=0x29 (041) V=
CMTS flow id: T=0x04 (004) L=0x04 (004) V=0x001656c2 (1464002)
CMTS classifier id: T=0x02 (002) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0001 (1)
CM classifier ref: T=0x01 (001) L=0x01 (001) V=0x28 (40)
CM flow reference: T=0x03 (003) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0004 (4)
IP classifier sets: T=0x09 (009) L=0x10 (016) V=
dest IP mask: T=0x06 (006) L=0x04 (004) V=
protocol type: T=0x02 (002) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0100 (256)
dest IP address: T=0x05 (005) L=0x04 (004) V=
Rule priority: T=0x05 (005) L=0x01 (001) V=0x28 (40)
Activation state: T=0x06 (006) L=0x01 (001) V=0x01 (1)
v1.1 US classifier: T=0x16 (022) L=0x29 (041) V=
CMTS flow id: T=0x04 (004) L=0x04 (004) V=0x001656c2 (1464002)
CMTS classifier id: T=0x02 (002) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0002 (2)
CM classifier ref: T=0x01 (001) L=0x01 (001) V=0x29 (41)
CM flow reference: T=0x03 (003) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0004 (4)
IP classifier sets: T=0x09 (009) L=0x10 (016) V=
dest IP mask: T=0x06 (006) L=0x04 (004) V=
protocol type: T=0x02 (002) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0100 (256)
dest IP address: T=0x05 (005) L=0x04 (004) V=
Rule priority: T=0x05 (005) L=0x01 (001) V=0x29 (41)
Activation state: T=0x06 (006) L=0x01 (001) V=0x01 (1)
v1.1 US classifier: T=0x16 (022) L=0x29 (041) V=
CMTS flow id: T=0x04 (004) L=0x04 (004) V=0x001656c2 (1464002)
CMTS classifier id: T=0x02 (002) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0003 (3)
CM classifier ref: T=0x01 (001) L=0x01 (001) V=0x2a (42)
CM flow reference: T=0x03 (003) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0004 (4)
IP classifier sets: T=0x09 (009) L=0x10 (016) V=
dest IP mask: T=0x06 (006) L=0x04 (004) V=
protocol type: T=0x02 (002) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0100 (256)
dest IP address: T=0x05 (005) L=0x04 (004) V=
Rule priority: T=0x05 (005) L=0x01 (001) V=0x2a (42)
Activation state: T=0x06 (006) L=0x01 (001) V=0x01 (1)
v1.1 US classifier: T=0x16 (022) L=0x29 (041) V=
CMTS flow id: T=0x04 (004) L=0x04 (004) V=0x001656c2 (1464002)
CMTS classifier id: T=0x02 (002) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0004 (4)
CM classifier ref: T=0x01 (001) L=0x01 (001) V=0x2b (43)
CM flow reference: T=0x03 (003) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0004 (4)
IP classifier sets: T=0x09 (009) L=0x10 (016) V=
dest IP mask: T=0x06 (006) L=0x04 (004) V=
protocol type: T=0x02 (002) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0100 (256)
dest IP address: T=0x05 (005) L=0x04 (004) V=
Rule priority: T=0x05 (005) L=0x01 (001) V=0x2b (43)
Activation state: T=0x06 (006) L=0x01 (001) V=0x01 (1)
v1.1 US classifier: T=0x16 (022) L=0x29 (041) V=
CMTS flow id: T=0x04 (004) L=0x04 (004) V=0x001656c2 (1464002)
CMTS classifier id: T=0x02 (002) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0005 (5)
CM classifier ref: T=0x01 (001) L=0x01 (001) V=0x2c (44)
CM flow reference: T=0x03 (003) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0004 (4)
IP classifier sets: T=0x09 (009) L=0x10 (016) V=
dest IP mask: T=0x06 (006) L=0x04 (004) V=
protocol type: T=0x02 (002) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0100 (256)
dest IP address: T=0x05 (005) L=0x04 (004) V=
Rule priority: T=0x05 (005) L=0x01 (001) V=0x2c (44)
Activation state: T=0x06 (006) L=0x01 (001) V=0x01 (1)
v1.1 US classifier: T=0x16 (022) L=0x29 (041) V=
CMTS flow id: T=0x04 (004) L=0x04 (004) V=0x001656c2 (1464002)
CMTS classifier id: T=0x02 (002) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0006 (6)
CM classifier ref: T=0x01 (001) L=0x01 (001) V=0x2d (45)
CM flow reference: T=0x03 (003) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0004 (4)
IP classifier sets: T=0x09 (009) L=0x10 (016) V=
dest IP mask: T=0x06 (006) L=0x04 (004) V=
protocol type: T=0x02 (002) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0100 (256)
dest IP address: T=0x05 (005) L=0x04 (004) V=
Rule priority: T=0x05 (005) L=0x01 (001) V=0x2d (45)
Activation state: T=0x06 (006) L=0x01 (001) V=0x01 (1)
v1.1 US classifier: T=0x16 (022) L=0x29 (041) V=
CMTS flow id: T=0x04 (004) L=0x04 (004) V=0x001656c2 (1464002)
CMTS classifier id: T=0x02 (002) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0007 (7)
CM classifier ref: T=0x01 (001) L=0x01 (001) V=0x2e (46)
CM flow reference: T=0x03 (003) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0004 (4)
IP classifier sets: T=0x09 (009) L=0x10 (016) V=
dest IP mask: T=0x06 (006) L=0x04 (004) V=
protocol type: T=0x02 (002) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0100 (256)
dest IP address: T=0x05 (005) L=0x04 (004) V=
Rule priority: T=0x05 (005) L=0x01 (001) V=0x2e (46)
Activation state: T=0x06 (006) L=0x01 (001) V=0x01 (1)
v1.1 US classifier: T=0x16 (022) L=0x21 (033) V=
CMTS flow id: T=0x04 (004) L=0x04 (004) V=0x001656c1 (1464001)
CMTS classifier id: T=0x02 (002) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0001 (1)
CM classifier ref: T=0x01 (001) L=0x01 (001) V=0x06 (6)
CM flow reference: T=0x03 (003) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0003 (3)
Ethernet classifier: T=0x0a (010) L=0x08 (008) V=
source MAC address: T=0x02 (002) L=0x06 (006) V=00:1e:69:b3:1f:84
Rule priority: T=0x05 (005) L=0x01 (001) V=0x01 (1)
Activation state: T=0x06 (006) L=0x01 (001) V=0x01 (1)
v1.1 DS classifier: T=0x17 (023) L=0x29 (041) V=
CMTS flow id: T=0x04 (004) L=0x04 (004) V=0x001656c4 (1464004)
CMTS classifier id: T=0x02 (002) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0001 (1)
CM classifier ref: T=0x01 (001) L=0x01 (001) V=0x32 (50)
CM flow reference: T=0x03 (003) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0008 (8)
IP classifier sets: T=0x09 (009) L=0x10 (016) V=
protocol type: T=0x02 (002) L=0x02 (002) V=0x0100 Registration complete!
Process CVC
DOCSIS CoS/QoS rate shaping enable is now 1
CmSnmpAgent::CmOperationalEvent for SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support
CmSnmpAgent operating in 1.1 mode, including docsQos, excluding docsBpi
+++ No DH kickstart profiles or snmpCommunityTable entries installed.
We will operate in NMACCESS mode.
SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support setting V1/V2 view to docsisNmAccessView
SB5102 CPE Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support setting V1/V2 view to docsisNmAccessView
BPI+ Bypass enabled
Enabling network access for all CPE ports.
mot_scanList: Writing to Flash!
Suspending SNMP Thread
0x006f7a8e [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmVendorCmApplication::StopDhcpServer: (VendorExtension CmApp) Shutting down DHCP Server...
0x006f7a98 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmStandbySwitchThread::CmIsOperational: (Motorola Standby Switch Thread) Simulating a press of the standby switch to get the state configured properly.
0x006f7c50 [IGMP Thread] BcmIgmpThread::Starting Igmp Thread...: (IGMP Thread)
0x006f7c50 [Motorola Standby Switch Thread] BcmStandbySwitchThread::ThreadMain: (Motorola Standby Switch Thread) Standby switch was pressed!
0x006f7c50 [Motorola Standby Switch Thread] BcmStandbySwitchThread:

Not logging event ID 2291949524, control for level 7 is 0.
Not logging event ID 2291949324, control for level 7 is 0.
Logging event: REG-RSP - invalid format or not recognized
SB5102 CM Event Log w/ BRCM Factory Support sending deferred async messages...
Done w/ deferred msgs
Not logging event ID 2296948624, control for level 7 is 0.
(25-09-2012, 10:19 PM)torro32 Wrote: Are you sure that mac is 5101? Try some more other versions.
I've tried many diff MACs including SB5101 but getting same result.
If that helps the logs from TW ,Staten Island, NY.