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how to dump firmware from broadcom based modems
ok, so I tried to modify the original code but it's not working, so if anyone who understands python could give me a hand, I´ll be really grateful

here's the original

from sys import argv
from math import ceil
from telnetlib import Telnet
from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
from progressbar import ProgressBar
import re


class BrcmFirmwareDump:
    def __init__(self, ip, user, password, port=23):
        # Connect = Telnet(ip,port,TIMEOUT)
        # workarround to avoid the connection getting stuck at option negociation
        # Some old broadcom versions need any character
        # being send before prompting for the username
        while True:
            r ="ogin: ", TIMEOUT)
            if"ogin:", r):
            # Send a '\n'
        # Send the username"\n")

        # Send the password"assword: ")"\n")
        # Get the first prompt
        r ="> ")
        # Log in as root if necessary
        if"Console", r):
  "assword:  () []")
  "> ")
  "> ")
               "cd flash\n")"\r\n\r\nCM/Flash> ")
        '''"deinit\n")"\r\n\r\nCM/Flash> ")
       "init\n")"\r\n\r\nCM/Flash> ")
    def log(self, message, image=1):
        print "Image%d> %s" % (image, message)
    def option_negociation(self, socket, command, option):
    def read_block(self, image, block):

        # Get a read command valid response
        while True:
            offset = block*BLOCK_SIZE
            command = "read 4 %d %d" % (BLOCK_SIZE,offset)
   + "\n")
            e ="\r\n\r\nCM/Flash> ")
            lines = e.split("\r\n")

            if len(lines)==7:
                response = lines[4].strip().replace(" ", "")
                until = len(response) / 2
                octecs_as_strings = [ response[2*i:2*i+2] for i in range(0,until)]
                if len(octecs_as_strings) != BLOCK_SIZE:
                    # Continue to try again
        return octecs_as_strings
    def process_block0(self, octecs_as_strings):
        filename = "".join( \
                [ c for c in \
                    map(lambda e: e.decode("hex"), octecs_as_strings[20:83]) \
                    if c != '\x00'])
        payload_size_hex = "".join(octecs_as_strings[13:16])
        payload_size = int(payload_size_hex,16)
        total_size = int(payload_size_hex,16) + int("0x5c",16)
        return filename, total_size
    def write_block(self, file, octecs_as_strings):
        as_decimals = map(lambda e: int(e,16), octecs_as_strings)
    def open_image(self, image):"open image%d\n" % image)"\r\n\r\nCM/Flash> ")
    def close_image(self):"close\n")"\r\n\r\nCM/Flash> ")
    def download_image(self, image=1):
        self.log("Downloading first block...", image)

        # Read block 0
        octecs_as_strings = self.read_block(image, 0)
        filename, total_size = self.process_block0(octecs_as_strings)
        self.log("Detected firmware '%s' (%d bytes)" % (filename, total_size), image)
        # Ask the user whether the fw has to be downloaded
        while True:
            download = raw_input('Do you want to download the firmware? (y/n): ')
            if download.lower() == "n":
            elif download.lower() == "y":
        total_blocks = int(ceil(total_size / float(BLOCK_SIZE)))
        self.log("Reading next %d blocks (%d bytes each)" % (total_blocks-1, BLOCK_SIZE), image)
        readed = BLOCK_SIZE

        # Create ouput filen and save first block
        f = open(filename, "wb")
        self.write_block(f, octecs_as_strings)
        # Read the reamaining blocks
        bar = ProgressBar()
        for block in bar(range(1, total_blocks)):
            octecs_as_strings = self.read_block(image, block)
            # Check if it is the final block
            if (readed + BLOCK_SIZE) > total_size:
                octecs_as_strings = octecs_as_strings[0:total_size-readed]
            # Write block to file
            self.write_block(f, octecs_as_strings)
            # Update the control counters
            readed += len(octecs_as_strings)
        # Close the output file
        # Close the flash image zone
    def close(self):"cd ..\n")"\r\n\r\nCM> ")"exit\n")

def parse_cmdline(argv):
    """Parses the command-line."""
    parser = OptionParser(description='brcm_firmware_dump - telnet dump of firmware images from Broadcom based cable modems.')
    parser.add_option("-i", "--ip", dest="ip", help="Cable Modem IP Address (required)")
    parser.add_option("-u", "--user", dest="user", help="Telnet username")
    parser.add_option("-p", "--password", dest="password", help="Telnet password")
    # Parse the user input          
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    # Check required arguments
    if options.ip is None:
        parser.error("Cable modem IP address is required.")
    if options.user is None:
        parser.error("Telnet username is required.")
    if options.password is None:
        parser.error("Telnet password is required.")
    return (options, args)
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # parse the command line
    options, args = parse_cmdline(argv)
    brcm_fw_dump = BrcmFirmwareDump(options.ip, options.user, options.password)

and here's the modded version:

from sys import argv
from math import ceil
from telnetlib import Telnet
from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
from progressbar import ProgressBar
import re

BLOCK_SIZE = 16384

class BrcmFirmwareDump:
    def __init__(self, ip, user, password, port=23):
        # Connect = Telnet(ip,port,TIMEOUT)
        # workarround to avoid the connection getting stuck at option negociation
        # Some old broadcom versions need any character
        # being send before prompting for the username
        while True:
            r ="ogin: ", TIMEOUT)
            if"ogin:", r):
            # Send a '\n'
        # Send the username"\n")

        # Send the password"assword: ")"\n")
        # Get the first prompt
        r ="> ")
        # Log in as root if necessary
        if"Console", r):
  "assword:  () []")
  "> ")
  "> ")
               "cd system\n")"\r\n\r\nConsole/system> ")
        '''"deinit\n")"\r\n\r\nConsole/system> ")
       "init\n")"\r\n\r\nConsole/system> ")
    def log(self, message, image=1):
        print "Image%d> %s" % (image, message)
    def option_negociation(self, socket, command, option):
    def read_block(self, image, block):

        # Get a read command valid response
        while True:
            offset = hex(block*BLOCK_SIZE)
            command = "diag readmem -s 1 -n %d %d" % (BLOCK_SIZE,offset)
   + "\n")
            e ="\r\n\r\nConsole/system> ")
            lines = e.split("\r\n")

            if len(lines)==7:
                response = lines[4].strip().replace(" ", "")
                until = len(response) / 2
                octecs_as_strings = [ response[2*i:2*i+2] for i in range(0,until)]
                if len(octecs_as_strings) != BLOCK_SIZE:
                    # Continue to try again
        return octecs_as_strings
    def process_block0(self, octecs_as_strings):
        filename = "".join( \
                [ c for c in \
                    map(lambda e: e.decode("hex"), octecs_as_strings[20:83]) \
                    if c != '\x00'])
        payload_size_hex = "".join(octecs_as_strings[13:16])
        payload_size = int(payload_size_hex,16)
        total_size = int(payload_size_hex,16)
        return filename, total_size
    def write_block(self, file, octecs_as_strings):
        as_decimals = map(lambda e: int(e,16), octecs_as_strings)
    #def open_image(self, image):
    #"open image%d\n" % image)
    #"\r\n\r\nConsole/system> ")
    #def close_image(self):
    #"\r\n\r\nConsole/system> ")
    def download_image(self, image=1):
        self.log("Downloading first block...", image)

        # Read block 0
        octecs_as_strings = self.read_block(image, 0)
        filename, total_size = self.process_block0(octecs_as_strings)
        self.log("Detected firmware '%s' (%d bytes)" % (filename, total_size), image)
        # Ask the user whether the fw has to be downloaded
        while True:
            download = raw_input('Do you want to download the firmware? (y/n): ')
            if download.lower() == "n":
            elif download.lower() == "y":
        total_blocks = int(ceil(total_size / float(BLOCK_SIZE)))
        self.log("Reading next %d blocks (%d bytes each)" % (total_blocks-1, BLOCK_SIZE), image)
        readed = BLOCK_SIZE

        # Create ouput filen and save first block
        f = open(filename, "wb")
        self.write_block(f, octecs_as_strings)
        # Read the reamaining blocks
        bar = ProgressBar()
        for block in bar(range(1, total_blocks)):
            octecs_as_strings = self.read_block(image, block)
            # Check if it is the final block
            if (readed + BLOCK_SIZE) > total_size:
                octecs_as_strings = octecs_as_strings[0:total_size-readed]
            # Write block to file
            self.write_block(f, octecs_as_strings)
            # Update the control counters
            readed += len(octecs_as_strings)
        # Close the output file
        # Close the flash image zone
    def close(self):"cd ..\n")"\r\n\r\nConsole> ")"exit\n")

def parse_cmdline(argv):
    """Parses the command-line."""
    parser = OptionParser(description='brcm_firmware_dump - telnet dump of firmware images from Broadcom based cable modems.')
    parser.add_option("-i", "--ip", dest="ip", help="Cable Modem IP Address (required)")
    parser.add_option("-u", "--user", dest="user", help="Telnet username")
    parser.add_option("-p", "--password", dest="password", help="Telnet password")
    # Parse the user input          
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    # Check required arguments
    if options.ip is None:
        parser.error("Cable modem IP address is required.")
    if options.user is None:
        parser.error("Telnet username is required.")
    if options.password is None:
        parser.error("Telnet password is required.")
    return (options, args)
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # parse the command line
    options, args = parse_cmdline(argv)
    brcm_fw_dump = BrcmFirmwareDump(options.ip, options.user, options.password)

There are some differences in commands syntax and procedure, so I´ll explain:

1. the path in the original is "CM\Flash", needs to be "Console\system" - so I changed that

2. the command in the original was "read 4 64 0"
which means Reading 64 bytes as 4-byte entities, starting at an offset of 0
needs to be: "diag readmem -s 1 -n 16384 0x80000000"
I don't now what the -s 1 does
-n 16384 -> block size
0x800000000 -> offset in hex, so that needs to be changed. I tried, but I don't know if it worked "offset = hex(block*BLOCK_SIZE)"

3. in the original, you have to open the image first with the command "open image" - there's no need for that, so I initally commented out the parts where it appeared but it didn't work, so I removed the # (it didn't work either hehe)

4. the original is meant to download just the firmware, so it has a limiting size feature:
total_size = int(payload_size_hex,16) + int("0x5c",16)
where 0x5c is the starting position and total size is 0x1c0fbc (1,839,036 bytes), tho I could not understand how the total size is calculated and i don't know exactly what I should do to dump the whole thing.

5. since there's an 'open image' command, there's also a 'close image' too and I think this will not be needed.

I know it's logging on to the telnet cause I checked the log of the modem, but it freezes just after I hit enter and does not show any error message, so I don't know exactly what's going on.

Messages In This Thread
RE: how to dump firmware from broadcom based modems - by jofre - 27-07-2017, 05:21 PM

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