13-04-2009, 04:37 PM
I am currently working on a NetgearCG814Gcmr modem, Almost identical to yours. Same chips and mother board, prob just diff. firmware. One thing i noticed is that the flash chip on this is twice the size of the Normal modems ie sb5100. My guess is that 1 half is for the modem function and the other half is for router and wireless functionality. You may have flashed over that area thus making the router function in operable. Can you tell me how you managed to flash this? I am planning on removing the tsop tonight and reading with my programmer. I will post the dump here if anyone is interested. I also read that to patch an image it needs to be decompressed and patched them recompressed. Can anyone explain that to me in detail ? I think if we can post the haxoware just in the correct area we can keep all of the functionality.