26-08-2011, 10:09 AM
(26-08-2011, 12:25 AM)lightningj Wrote: just a thought.........if ur subbed modem is the same model as ur test one does injecting the certs still apply????......
this is my method for when i'm in full test mode
i take a full 2mb backup from the subbed modem and flash that to the other modem and then i install haxorware lite to the other modem (this i see as good as both modem's are now the same other than 1 has haxor install, certs spoof bpi and what not are all identical)
now the modems are a nice pair i'll log all telnet out put on both modems while connecting to the ctms and compare the output and look for any differences (at the point our looking for ctms modem commands as there are a few Rajkosto comments that will show as differences but they are easy to see and ignore)
for more completeness i will also plug both modems into separate computers and using a splitter, power both modems on at the same time and watch the telnet output to see if there is any differences in the timing of the modems responses (there are)
as to how to fix any differences you may have can i suggest you take a look at ciscos ctms documents (sorry they are huge and go on for fucking ever) now once you have done all this if your lucky and done it right and worked out what you need to know you should be able to change your mac and fuck up your certs and still stay online
and if your wondering why nobody is saying there specific method's to getting online because it's patchable (well my method is)
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