21-01-2020, 07:09 PM
(17-01-2020, 08:06 PM)ricktendo Wrote: Do not use s (string) use x (hex) and your OID is wrong
Code:snmpset -v2c -c public x 112233445566
Your exactly the person I wanted to reply. So update to the original thread. I purchased a forceware modem to go along with my testing. Not entirely relevant at the moment but will be I'm sure in the future.
So that OID you provided is the proper CM mac? I appreciate you clarifying the X and S as I wasn't entirely sure what each did.
On the Forceware modem, I was able to get it to connect and use the config I downloaded with the active modem however, once it did connect it popuped up to the activation page. Now with this being said, would I run into the same issue on the other modem you are helping me with? Where it will prompt for activation or throw some sort of error? The Forceware modem is likely due to certs as another user here had a similar issue with Spectrum.