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newbie, in log critical and error
just noticed this it should help you (number 3)

First install The program net-snmp- Add in the rar.
Make sure that the Firmware is called "haxorware.bin" Copy the Firmware that is in this rar or change the name of your bin file for (haxorware.bin) And add to the TFTP Folder.
Download Here:
.rar   DPC2100R2 Without Cables.rar (Size: 4.51 MB / Downloads: 4,499)

This method works in the Modem Webstar DPC2100R2 or EPC2100R2 With the firmware ver: v202r1256-060303, Not in the DPC2100
Edited: 07-13-2010 Works in a DPC2100 i did it!!!


1. Install net-snmp-!!!!

2. Open your TFTP server and be sure that the haxorware.bin is in the Folder:

[Image: infom.jpg]

2. Just open The DPC2100R2.bat File and follow the intructions is very easy When You see that the TFTP Server
Finish Sending the bin file wait 5 seconds and reboot the modem!!
And Enjoy Haxorware.

[Image: flashing.jpg]

For this method work you need to install First net-snmp- add in the folder
And that the TFTP is Ready to Sent the bin File called (haxorware.bin) add in the folder is the last version haxorware11rev39-DIAG.bin

taken from here
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Messages In This Thread
newbie, in log critical and error - by zarkocg68 - 12-10-2010, 07:22 PM
RE: newbie, in log critical and error - by drewmerc - 13-10-2010, 12:45 PM

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