04-11-2017, 01:22 PM
(22-08-2017, 03:58 PM)modembricker Wrote: Yeah it could be hardware change, or maybe since the black ones were already in an active docsis environment they stored some general settings somewhere that the whites dont have pre-configured. I'd lean towards hardware difference like madman suggested
Rev:4 differes from SB6141 rev:3 on PGA type:
rev:4 PGA type - <MAX3518>
rev:3 PGA type - <MT1570>
It's checked in alpha4.0a1 CLI mode /docsis/prodshow
Forceware 1.4b1 mod2 need to change these settings:
1.WEB-Setup-forceWare-Auto Config-SB6141-Apply
2.WEB-Setup-forceWare-Manual Tuner Setup-PGA Type-MAX3518-Apply