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Access to linux side of combo router/modem
You may be able to access the linux side of the router the same way I accessed it on an N450/CG3000Dv2.

Sign into the web interface and plug in a USB drive. It takes a while to be mounted and show up.

Click the Advanced tab, then click ReadySHARE, then click Advanced Settings.

Under "Available Network Folders", click "Create Network Folder".

Right-click on the "Folder" text entry field and click "Inspect". This will bring up the Chrome DevTools Elements panel.

Right click on the highlighted element for the field and click "Edit as HTML". Delete the following text: readonly="true"

Now you can click in the "Folder" text entry field and enter a forward slash.

Enter something for "Share Name". I used root_fs. You can change read and write access drop-downs if you like.

Click "Apply" and now you should be able to open Windows Explorer to \\readyshare or \\ and you will have access to your root filesystem

Now you can edit the /etc/passwd file to your liking. I changed /bin/false on the admin line to /bin/sh and could successfully telnet to with the same username and password used to access the web interface.

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RE: Access to linux side of combo router/modem - by EfieldEntrance - 30-07-2017, 08:12 PM

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