27-07-2017, 05:21 PM
ok, so I tried to modify the original code but it's not working, so if anyone who understands python could give me a hand, I´ll be really grateful
here's the original
and here's the modded version:
There are some differences in commands syntax and procedure, so I´ll explain:
1. the path in the original is "CM\Flash", needs to be "Console\system" - so I changed that
2. the command in the original was "read 4 64 0"
which means Reading 64 bytes as 4-byte entities, starting at an offset of 0
needs to be: "diag readmem -s 1 -n 16384 0x80000000"
I don't now what the -s 1 does
-n 16384 -> block size
0x800000000 -> offset in hex, so that needs to be changed. I tried, but I don't know if it worked "offset = hex(block*BLOCK_SIZE)"
3. in the original, you have to open the image first with the command "open image" - there's no need for that, so I initally commented out the parts where it appeared but it didn't work, so I removed the # (it didn't work either hehe)
4. the original is meant to download just the firmware, so it has a limiting size feature:
total_size = int(payload_size_hex,16) + int("0x5c",16)
where 0x5c is the starting position and total size is 0x1c0fbc (1,839,036 bytes), tho I could not understand how the total size is calculated and i don't know exactly what I should do to dump the whole thing.
5. since there's an 'open image' command, there's also a 'close image' too and I think this will not be needed.
I know it's logging on to the telnet cause I checked the log of the modem, but it freezes just after I hit enter and does not show any error message, so I don't know exactly what's going on.
here's the original
from sys import argv
from math import ceil
from telnetlib import Telnet
from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
from progressbar import ProgressBar
import re
class BrcmFirmwareDump:
def __init__(self, ip, user, password, port=23):
# Connect
self.tn = Telnet(ip,port,TIMEOUT)
# self.tn.set_debuglevel(1)
# workarround to avoid the connection getting stuck at option negociation
# Some old broadcom versions need any character
# being send before prompting for the username
while True:
r = self.tn.read_until("ogin: ", TIMEOUT)
if re.search("ogin:", r):
# Send a '\n'
# Send the username
# Send the password
self.tn.read_until("assword: ")
# Get the first prompt
r = self.tn.read_until("> ")
# Log in as root if necessary
if re.search("Console", r):
self.tn.read_until("assword: () []")
self.tn.read_until("> ")
self.tn.read_until("> ")
self.tn.write("cd flash\n")
self.tn.read_until("\r\n\r\nCM/Flash> ")
self.tn.read_until("\r\n\r\nCM/Flash> ")
self.tn.read_until("\r\n\r\nCM/Flash> ")
def log(self, message, image=1):
print "Image%d> %s" % (image, message)
def option_negociation(self, socket, command, option):
def read_block(self, image, block):
# Get a read command valid response
while True:
offset = block*BLOCK_SIZE
command = "read 4 %d %d" % (BLOCK_SIZE,offset)
self.tn.write(command + "\n")
e = self.tn.read_until("\r\n\r\nCM/Flash> ")
lines = e.split("\r\n")
if len(lines)==7:
response = lines[4].strip().replace(" ", "")
until = len(response) / 2
octecs_as_strings = [ response[2*i:2*i+2] for i in range(0,until)]
if len(octecs_as_strings) != BLOCK_SIZE:
# Continue to try again
return octecs_as_strings
def process_block0(self, octecs_as_strings):
filename = "".join( \
[ c for c in \
map(lambda e: e.decode("hex"), octecs_as_strings[20:83]) \
if c != '\x00'])
payload_size_hex = "".join(octecs_as_strings[13:16])
payload_size = int(payload_size_hex,16)
total_size = int(payload_size_hex,16) + int("0x5c",16)
return filename, total_size
def write_block(self, file, octecs_as_strings):
as_decimals = map(lambda e: int(e,16), octecs_as_strings)
def open_image(self, image):
self.tn.write("open image%d\n" % image)
self.tn.read_until("\r\n\r\nCM/Flash> ")
def close_image(self):
self.tn.read_until("\r\n\r\nCM/Flash> ")
def download_image(self, image=1):
self.log("Downloading first block...", image)
# Read block 0
octecs_as_strings = self.read_block(image, 0)
filename, total_size = self.process_block0(octecs_as_strings)
self.log("Detected firmware '%s' (%d bytes)" % (filename, total_size), image)
# Ask the user whether the fw has to be downloaded
while True:
download = raw_input('Do you want to download the firmware? (y/n): ')
if download.lower() == "n":
elif download.lower() == "y":
total_blocks = int(ceil(total_size / float(BLOCK_SIZE)))
self.log("Reading next %d blocks (%d bytes each)" % (total_blocks-1, BLOCK_SIZE), image)
readed = BLOCK_SIZE
# Create ouput filen and save first block
f = open(filename, "wb")
self.write_block(f, octecs_as_strings)
# Read the reamaining blocks
bar = ProgressBar()
for block in bar(range(1, total_blocks)):
octecs_as_strings = self.read_block(image, block)
# Check if it is the final block
if (readed + BLOCK_SIZE) > total_size:
octecs_as_strings = octecs_as_strings[0:total_size-readed]
# Write block to file
self.write_block(f, octecs_as_strings)
# Update the control counters
readed += len(octecs_as_strings)
# Close the output file
# Close the flash image zone
def close(self):
self.tn.write("cd ..\n")
self.tn.read_until("\r\n\r\nCM> ")
def parse_cmdline(argv):
"""Parses the command-line."""
parser = OptionParser(description='brcm_firmware_dump - telnet dump of firmware images from Broadcom based cable modems.')
parser.add_option("-i", "--ip", dest="ip", help="Cable Modem IP Address (required)")
parser.add_option("-u", "--user", dest="user", help="Telnet username")
parser.add_option("-p", "--password", dest="password", help="Telnet password")
# Parse the user input
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
# Check required arguments
if options.ip is None:
parser.error("Cable modem IP address is required.")
if options.user is None:
parser.error("Telnet username is required.")
if options.password is None:
parser.error("Telnet password is required.")
return (options, args)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# parse the command line
options, args = parse_cmdline(argv)
brcm_fw_dump = BrcmFirmwareDump(options.ip, options.user, options.password)
and here's the modded version:
from sys import argv
from math import ceil
from telnetlib import Telnet
from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
from progressbar import ProgressBar
import re
BLOCK_SIZE = 16384
class BrcmFirmwareDump:
def __init__(self, ip, user, password, port=23):
# Connect
self.tn = Telnet(ip,port,TIMEOUT)
# self.tn.set_debuglevel(1)
# workarround to avoid the connection getting stuck at option negociation
# Some old broadcom versions need any character
# being send before prompting for the username
while True:
r = self.tn.read_until("ogin: ", TIMEOUT)
if re.search("ogin:", r):
# Send a '\n'
# Send the username
# Send the password
self.tn.read_until("assword: ")
# Get the first prompt
r = self.tn.read_until("> ")
# Log in as root if necessary
if re.search("Console", r):
self.tn.read_until("assword: () []")
self.tn.read_until("> ")
self.tn.read_until("> ")
self.tn.write("cd system\n")
self.tn.read_until("\r\n\r\nConsole/system> ")
self.tn.read_until("\r\n\r\nConsole/system> ")
self.tn.read_until("\r\n\r\nConsole/system> ")
def log(self, message, image=1):
print "Image%d> %s" % (image, message)
def option_negociation(self, socket, command, option):
def read_block(self, image, block):
# Get a read command valid response
while True:
offset = hex(block*BLOCK_SIZE)
command = "diag readmem -s 1 -n %d %d" % (BLOCK_SIZE,offset)
self.tn.write(command + "\n")
e = self.tn.read_until("\r\n\r\nConsole/system> ")
lines = e.split("\r\n")
if len(lines)==7:
response = lines[4].strip().replace(" ", "")
until = len(response) / 2
octecs_as_strings = [ response[2*i:2*i+2] for i in range(0,until)]
if len(octecs_as_strings) != BLOCK_SIZE:
# Continue to try again
return octecs_as_strings
def process_block0(self, octecs_as_strings):
filename = "".join( \
[ c for c in \
map(lambda e: e.decode("hex"), octecs_as_strings[20:83]) \
if c != '\x00'])
payload_size_hex = "".join(octecs_as_strings[13:16])
payload_size = int(payload_size_hex,16)
total_size = int(payload_size_hex,16)
return filename, total_size
def write_block(self, file, octecs_as_strings):
as_decimals = map(lambda e: int(e,16), octecs_as_strings)
#def open_image(self, image):
# self.tn.write("open image%d\n" % image)
# self.tn.read_until("\r\n\r\nConsole/system> ")
#def close_image(self):
# self.tn.write("close\n")
# self.tn.read_until("\r\n\r\nConsole/system> ")
def download_image(self, image=1):
self.log("Downloading first block...", image)
# Read block 0
octecs_as_strings = self.read_block(image, 0)
filename, total_size = self.process_block0(octecs_as_strings)
self.log("Detected firmware '%s' (%d bytes)" % (filename, total_size), image)
# Ask the user whether the fw has to be downloaded
while True:
download = raw_input('Do you want to download the firmware? (y/n): ')
if download.lower() == "n":
elif download.lower() == "y":
total_blocks = int(ceil(total_size / float(BLOCK_SIZE)))
self.log("Reading next %d blocks (%d bytes each)" % (total_blocks-1, BLOCK_SIZE), image)
readed = BLOCK_SIZE
# Create ouput filen and save first block
f = open(filename, "wb")
self.write_block(f, octecs_as_strings)
# Read the reamaining blocks
bar = ProgressBar()
for block in bar(range(1, total_blocks)):
octecs_as_strings = self.read_block(image, block)
# Check if it is the final block
if (readed + BLOCK_SIZE) > total_size:
octecs_as_strings = octecs_as_strings[0:total_size-readed]
# Write block to file
self.write_block(f, octecs_as_strings)
# Update the control counters
readed += len(octecs_as_strings)
# Close the output file
# Close the flash image zone
def close(self):
self.tn.write("cd ..\n")
self.tn.read_until("\r\n\r\nConsole> ")
def parse_cmdline(argv):
"""Parses the command-line."""
parser = OptionParser(description='brcm_firmware_dump - telnet dump of firmware images from Broadcom based cable modems.')
parser.add_option("-i", "--ip", dest="ip", help="Cable Modem IP Address (required)")
parser.add_option("-u", "--user", dest="user", help="Telnet username")
parser.add_option("-p", "--password", dest="password", help="Telnet password")
# Parse the user input
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
# Check required arguments
if options.ip is None:
parser.error("Cable modem IP address is required.")
if options.user is None:
parser.error("Telnet username is required.")
if options.password is None:
parser.error("Telnet password is required.")
return (options, args)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# parse the command line
options, args = parse_cmdline(argv)
brcm_fw_dump = BrcmFirmwareDump(options.ip, options.user, options.password)
There are some differences in commands syntax and procedure, so I´ll explain:
1. the path in the original is "CM\Flash", needs to be "Console\system" - so I changed that
2. the command in the original was "read 4 64 0"
which means Reading 64 bytes as 4-byte entities, starting at an offset of 0
needs to be: "diag readmem -s 1 -n 16384 0x80000000"
I don't now what the -s 1 does
-n 16384 -> block size
0x800000000 -> offset in hex, so that needs to be changed. I tried, but I don't know if it worked "offset = hex(block*BLOCK_SIZE)"
3. in the original, you have to open the image first with the command "open image" - there's no need for that, so I initally commented out the parts where it appeared but it didn't work, so I removed the # (it didn't work either hehe)
4. the original is meant to download just the firmware, so it has a limiting size feature:
total_size = int(payload_size_hex,16) + int("0x5c",16)
where 0x5c is the starting position and total size is 0x1c0fbc (1,839,036 bytes), tho I could not understand how the total size is calculated and i don't know exactly what I should do to dump the whole thing.
5. since there's an 'open image' command, there's also a 'close image' too and I think this will not be needed.
I know it's logging on to the telnet cause I checked the log of the modem, but it freezes just after I hit enter and does not show any error message, so I don't know exactly what's going on.