(16-07-2015, 06:41 AM)daviddds Wrote: Why are you downgrading or even side-grading, you should be getting a new 16x4 or 32x8 modem by now, they run atom, very professional platform made by intel. As for TWC configs, they are changed by logging into unified and setting the plan/bootfile/mac, unified is truly professionalized in a sense, that its so professional and unified. I'm sure a tech could do it with a quick phone call, I've always found them very professional, even if you can't understand them 115% of the time, most professionals, if have trouble with the speech qualities of the professionals at TWC, my suggestion is to professionally ask to be professionally helped by the TWC Professional Support Technicians.
Honestly for what I'm looking to do I don't really need anything fancy, I own my own modems. The 6120 will suffice perfectly unless there is a different configuration GUI out there on some other device that gives you more options or easier setup/configuration than forceware?!. Only paid 10 bucks for this modem and have a 10G fiber link coming into the house so figured I would play with the modem for shits..