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sb6120 stopped working
is it running the shelled firmware if so
How to connect to dropbear with Putty
Download Putty then launch it
Host Name:
Port: 22
Connection Type: SSH
Click Open
User name: root
Password: sbhacker

How to change your MAC address/Serial
In console type the following
Short way

cli docsis/Production/prodset

(Press ENTER until you get to "Cable Modem Serial Num" or "Cable Modem MAC")
Cable Modem Serial Number is 24 digits
Cable Modem MAC needs to be in this format 00-11-22-33-44-55
In SSH type this instead

/usr/sbin/cli docsis/Production/prodset

all the "prodset" settings are stored in /nvram/1/1 the first 4 bytes are a time stamp so it changes everytime you save with prodset

Enable config page changeable
In Console type

cli docsis/Motorola/mProduction/htmlReadOnly
type "false" [ENTER]
then press W to save

In SSH use

/usr/sbin/cli docsis/Motorola/mProduction/htmlReadOnly
type "false" [ENTER]
then press W to save

How to enable more debugging info in console (You will see lots of diagnostic output all the time)

cli logger/setDefaults [ENTER]

How to Clear DS and US frequency database in NVRAM

cli docsis/Debug/clearNvramDsUsFreqDb

How to Clear US frequency database in NVRAM

cli docsis/Debug/clearNvramUsFreqDb

The SB6120 accepts certs straight from a Haxorware modem
this is a find from rajkosto
cd /nvram/1/security
rm mfg_key_pub.bin
rm cm_cert.cer
rm mfg_cert.cer
rm cm_key_prv.bin
(the rms are necessary because they are symbolic links by default)
then transfer over wget or tftp or whatever
cm_cert.cer = cm_cert.cer from haxorware
mfg_cert.cer = ca_cert.cer from haxorware
cm_key_prv.bin = private.key from haxorware
mfg_key_pub.bin = public key from ca_cert.cer from haxorware (open with your operating system's shell extensions, find the public key structure, and copy the hex bytes into a hex editor having it treat them as hex data)
and since the originals were chmod 777,
chmod 777 mfg_key_pub.bin
chmod 777 cm_cert.cer
chmod 777 mfg_cert.cer
chmod 777 cm_key_prv.bin
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Messages In This Thread
sb6120 stopped working - by stranger - 16-02-2010, 01:31 PM
RE: sb6120 stopped working - by stranger - 16-02-2010, 06:32 PM
RE: sb6120 stopped working - by drewmerc - 17-02-2010, 01:06 AM
RE: sb6120 stopped working - by stranger - 17-02-2010, 03:04 PM
RE: sb6120 stopped working - by drewmerc - 17-02-2010, 03:16 PM

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