19-12-2013, 10:26 PM
(19-12-2013, 05:21 PM)modembricker Wrote: Let me know how it turns out bro, Im running the same setup and I just figured the router hardware is too outdated to keep up. These things were out when 5 down was blazin fast! I hook a D3 modem up that hits 50 down and it crawls to 27 when hooked to the router. Not sure if it's my neighbors (since I give free wifi) or the outdated hardware.
Hey what's up Modembricker?
Yeah, guess what? I found the solution and I didn't have to get a new router. I read that you can overclock the router with DD-WRT. So what you have to do is change the frequency for the Ram higher. I changed mine from 200 to 500 and rebooted and it worked! I got 35mbps, like i should. I think you have to be careful though. I believe one shouldn't set it too high cause I believe you could damage it. I'll play with it again and see if I can get it closer to 200 and still have the right Mbps output. Good luck.