"Disable IP Filters on startup" is the cm_filters off and that command is active. However filters are still active. I believe that during registration there is no traffic through telnet port 23. There is only snmp through 161, right?
So we have a new oid that overrides "cm_filters off". Solution would be to watch the registration process on 161 and compare it with your cmts on whom you can snmp. That oid will eventually show up.
Same theory with telnet. Find me the registration process on the isp with the cmts from who you can telnet into other modems and compare with the cmts that has telnet enabled. Secret oid will eventually pop-out. Of course if there are still active cmts in the world from whom you can telnet.
On the beginning of uncapping era it was possible to telnet just fine into other modems. Now we can't although cmts can. So there are some filters deployed.
That is just the theory, but to tell you the truth I don't have the time any more to do that all, it is so time consuming.
So we have a new oid that overrides "cm_filters off". Solution would be to watch the registration process on 161 and compare it with your cmts on whom you can snmp. That oid will eventually show up.
Same theory with telnet. Find me the registration process on the isp with the cmts from who you can telnet into other modems and compare with the cmts that has telnet enabled. Secret oid will eventually pop-out. Of course if there are still active cmts in the world from whom you can telnet.
On the beginning of uncapping era it was possible to telnet just fine into other modems. Now we can't although cmts can. So there are some filters deployed.
That is just the theory, but to tell you the truth I don't have the time any more to do that all, it is so time consuming.