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SB5101E firmware questions
your missing using the help and dir commands,his list is from a 5100 so you'll need to do same on a 5101
not near a modem but i do have a copy of all the strings from haxor and 5100mod and they are in the 5100mod string dump but not haxor? so go figure


help Print this list
dbgHelp Print debugger help info
nfsHelp Print nfs help info
netHelp Print network help info
spyHelp Print task histogrammer help info
timexHelp Print execution timer help info
h [n] Print (or set) shell history
i [task] Summary of tasks' TCBs
ti task Complete info on TCB for task
sp adr,args... Spawn a task, pri=100, opt=0, stk=20000
taskSpawn name,pri,opt,stk,adr,args... Spawn a task
td task Delete a task
ts task Suspend a task
tr task Resume a task
d [adr[,nunits[,width]]] Display memory
m adr[,width] Modify memory
mRegs [reg[,task]] Modify a task's registers interactively
pc [task] Return task's program counter
version Print VxWorks version info, and boot line

Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
iam "user"[,"passwd"] Set user name and passwd
whoami Print user name
devs List devices
cd "path" Set current working path
pwd Print working path
ls ["path"[,long]] List contents of directory
ll ["path"] List contents of directory - long format
rename "old","new" Change name of file
copy ["in"][,"out"] Copy in file to out file (0 = std in/out)
ld [syms[,noAbort][,"name"]] Load stdin, or file, into memory
(syms = add symbols to table:
-1 = none, 0 = globals, 1 = all)
lkup ["substr"] List symbols in system symbol table
lkAddr address List symbol table entries near address
checkStack [task] List task stack sizes and usage
printErrno value Print the name of a status value
period secs,adr,args... Spawn task to call function periodically
repeat n,adr,args... Spawn task to call function n times (0=forever)
diskFormat "device" Format disk
diskInit "device" Initialize file system on disk

Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
squeeze "device" Squeeze free space on RT-11 device

NOTE: Arguments specifying 'task' can be either task ID or name.

! ? REM cd dir
find_command help history instances ls
man pwd sleep system_time usage
arpShow hostShow icmpShow ifShow inetShow
ipShow logout mbufShow memShow ping
read_memory reset routeShow run_app shell
stackShow taskDelete taskInfo taskPrioritySet taskResume
taskShow taskSuspend taskTrace tcpShow udpShow
version write_memory zone
[HeapManager] [cm_hal] [docsis_ctl] [enet_hal] [event_log] [flash]
[forwarder] [ip_hal] [msgLog] [non-vol] [pingHelper] [snmp] [snoop] [usb_hal]


! ? REM cd dir
find_command help history instances ls
man pwd sleep system_time usage
bcheck bcheck_crash bcheck_enable last_error maxAlloc
memShow stats walk walk_alloc


! ? REM cd dir
find_command help history instances ls
man pwd sleep system_time usage
bcmalloc_show bist_test cache_test change counters
cpe_add cpe_del cpe_max cpe_print ds_state
hal_show ldaix_read lock_ds log packets_queued
qosParms read_mbr read_posted scan_ds scan_stop
sdram_test set_mode show show_halif test_bcmalloc
transmit us_burst us_cw_transmit us_debug us_sweep
us_transmit write_mbr write_posted


! ? REM cd dir
find_command help history instances ls
man pwd sleep system_time usage
ClearCmCert binarySfid bpiShow clear_image comp_mac_to_phy
comp_phy_to_mac copy_image dload dsdiag dsx_show
goto_ds igmpShow ip_initialize ip_show log_messages
modem_caps rate_shaping_enable rng_rsp scan_stop
showFlows state stop_download ucdShow ucddiag
up_dis us_phy_oh_show usdiag


! ? REM cd dir
find_command help history instances ls
man pwd sleep system_time usage
autoneg force_link full_duplex hal_show read_mii
show speed transmit write_mii

CM/Event Log>

! ? REM cd dir
find_command help history instances ls
man pwd sleep system_time usage
control flush log_event read show
stress syslog


! ? REM cd dir
find_command help history instances ls
man pwd sleep system_time usage
autoTest close configRegion deinit erase
init open read readDirect regionInfo
show write writeArray


! ? REM cd dir
find_command help history instances ls
man pwd sleep system_time usage
halif_show log_packets lt_add lt_clear lt_delete
lt_max_entries lt_show


! ? REM cd dir
find_command help history instances ls
man pwd sleep system_time usage
bootloader clientif_debug dhcpc_debug dhcpc_show dload
hal_show ipconfig lease_show show test


! ? REM cd dir
find_command help history instances ls
man pwd sleep system_time usage
fields severities show_settings


! ? REM cd dir
find_command help history instances ls
man pwd sleep system_time usage
clear_device defaults del_extra_data flush read
show stats tftp_read write
[Motorola] [bpi] [cmapp] [docsis] [ds-cal] [event_log] [halif] [msg-log]
[propane] [snmp] [us-cal]

CM/NonVol/CM Motorola NonVol>

! ? REM cd dir
find_command help history instances ls
man pwd sleep system_time usage
clear_device cli_enable cm_amp cm_hwrev cm_tuner
defaults del_extra_data dhcp_enable {flush} html_ro_enable
read rg_enable show stats tftp_read

CM/NonVol/CM BPI NonVol>

! ? REM cd dir
find_command help history instances ls
man pwd sleep system_time usage
change_key clear_device code_access cvc_access defaults
del_extra_data {flush} key_location print read
show stats tftp_read write


! ? REM cd dir
find_command help history instances ls
man pwd sleep system_time usage
auto_console clear_device console_stop_prompt defaults
del_extra_data driver_init_prompt {flush} read
show stats tftp_read write


! ? REM cd dir
find_command help history instances ls
man pwd sleep system_time usage
bpi_version clear_device concat_thresh defaults del_extra_data
dhcp_settings doc10_mcastpromisc ds_frequency enable
fake_reg {flush} ip_stack_number max_concat queues
rate_shaping_time read show startup_context
startup_dsfreq startup_uschan stats tftp_read tftp_timeout
timer_disable ugs_depth us_channel us_power write

COMMAND: enable

USAGE: enable canned|scan|bpi|concat|rate|frag|phs|igmp|docsis11 |dhcp|tod|tftp|rng|advphy|bpi23|20hack|opt_init_rn g|force_cfgfile|AckCel true|false

Enables or disables the specified feature. Most of these only take effect
the next time the CM 'resets the MAC' and registers with the CMTS. The
feature parameter is one of the following:

scan -- Scan single DsChan only
bpi -- Baseline Privacy
concat -- Concatenation
frag -- Fragmentation
phs -- Payload Header Suppression
igmp -- IGMP Multicast
rate -- Rate Shaping
docsig -- Turns optimized initial ranging (bisection) on or off.
force_cfgfile -- Force a specified config file if using DHCP.
AckCel -- Enables or disables Broadcom's Patent Pending AckCel
Technology for the DOCSIS upsteam.

enable docsis11 true -- Enables DOCSIS 1.1 features.
enable rng 0 -- Disables one-line RNG-RSP messages.

CM/NonVol/Ds Cal NonVol>

! ? REM cd dir
find_command help history instances ls
man pwd sleep system_time usage
clear_device clear_tables coef defaults del_extra_data
{flush} frequency ldaix_time master num_coef
num_freq num_ldaix offset read show
stats tftp_read tuner_step write

CM/NonVol/DOCSIS EventLog NonVol>

! ? REM cd dir
find_command help history instances ls
man pwd sleep system_time usage
clear_device clear_event defaults del_extra_data event
{flush} read show stats tftp_read

CM/NonVol/HalIf NonVol>

! ? REM cd dir
find_command help history instances ls
man pwd sleep system_time usage
STAGT STATHR STPGA1 annex_a annex_b
bcmalloc bcmalloc_numSizes board_rev
bt_master_enable clear_device cm_1024qam cm_20_clipping
cm_45 cm_45i cm_aboard_v2 cm_aboard_v3 cm_amp
cm_annex cm_cboard cm_clc cm_ds_ref_freq cm_iboard_v1a
cm_iboard_v1b cm_phy_ref_freq cm_sboard cm_tuner cm_us_ref_freq
cm_us_sample_freq defaults del_extra_data eth_autoneg
eth_duplex_full eth_reject_cam eth_speed {flush}
hpna_message_level interfaces local_bt_mac_address
mac_address read remote_bt_mac_address shack_tries
show spreader_scale stats tftp_read usb_device_id
usb_mac_address usb_vendor_id wdog_enable wdog_timeout write

CM/NonVol/Message Log NonVol>

! ? REM cd dir
find_command help history instances ls
man pwd sleep system_time usage
clear_device defaults del_extra_data dhcp_settings fields
{flush} http_admin http_enable http_user ip_stack_number
password read severities show stats
telnet_enable telnet_ipstacks tftp_read user_name write

CM/NonVol/CM Propane NonVol>

! ? REM cd dir
find_command help history instances ls
man pwd sleep system_time usage
clear_device defaults del_extra_data enable_propane {flush}
read show stats tftp_read timer

CM/NonVol/SNMP NonVol>

! ? REM cd dir
find_command help history instances ls
man pwd sleep system_time usage
allow_config clear_device defaults del_extra_data
diag_disable_post_reg dload_tries docsDevSerialNumber
docsDevSwAdminStatus docsDevSwCurrentVers
docsDevSwFilename docsDevSwOperStatus docsDevSwServer
{flush} hide_ipstack_ifentries ip_def_ignore llc_unm_ignore
max_dload_tries read show single_ip_filt stats
sysContact sysDescr sysLocation sysName sysORDescr
sysORID sysObjectId sysServices tftp_read vendor_name

CM/NonVol/Us Cal NonVol>

! ? REM cd dir
find_command help history instances ls
man pwd sleep system_time usage
board_rev clear_device clear_table cm_amp config
control def_table defaults del_extra_data {flush}
offset print read show stats
tftp_read write


! ? REM cd dir
find_command help history instances ls
man pwd sleep system_time usage
all_sizes end_size hs_nowait hs_wait ip_address
ip_stack ip_sweep number_of_pings ping
restore_defaults show_settings start_size stats
step_amount stop time_between_pings verbosity
verify_enable wait_enable wait_time


! ? REM cd dir
find_command help history instances ls
man pwd sleep system_time usage
debug delete deregister direct_set filters
get install_group log_events log_filt log_nm
log_req n2m notify_setup set severities
show test trap view_v1v2 write_access


! ? REM cd dir
find_command help history instances ls
man pwd sleep system_time usage
debug enable priority show


! ? REM cd dir
find_command help history instances ls
man pwd sleep system_time usage
hal_show show


! ? REM cd dir
find_command help history instances ls
man pwd sleep system_time usage
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Messages In This Thread
SB5101E firmware questions - by coldfusion - 02-08-2012, 04:23 PM
RE: SB5101E firmware questions - by drewmerc - 02-08-2012, 04:25 PM
RE: SB5101E firmware questions - by ABMJR - 02-08-2012, 04:51 PM
RE: SB5101E firmware questions - by coldfusion - 02-08-2012, 06:21 PM
RE: SB5101E firmware questions - by ABMJR - 02-08-2012, 07:38 PM
RE: SB5101E firmware questions - by coldfusion - 02-08-2012, 07:41 PM
RE: SB5101E firmware questions - by ABMJR - 02-08-2012, 07:46 PM
RE: SB5101E firmware questions - by drewmerc - 02-08-2012, 08:18 PM
RE: SB5101E firmware questions - by ABMJR - 02-08-2012, 08:37 PM
RE: SB5101E firmware questions - by coldfusion - 02-08-2012, 08:51 PM
RE: SB5101E firmware questions - by ABMJR - 02-08-2012, 09:11 PM
RE: SB5101E firmware questions - by coldfusion - 05-08-2012, 08:08 PM
RE: SB5101E firmware questions - by ABMJR - 05-08-2012, 09:29 PM
RE: SB5101E firmware questions - by coldfusion - 05-08-2012, 10:19 PM
RE: SB5101E firmware questions - by drewmerc - 05-08-2012, 10:29 PM
RE: SB5101E firmware questions - by coldfusion - 05-08-2012, 10:55 PM
RE: SB5101E firmware questions - by ABMJR - 05-08-2012, 11:32 PM
RE: SB5101E firmware questions - by coldfusion - 05-08-2012, 11:42 PM
RE: SB5101E firmware questions - by drewmerc - 05-08-2012, 11:53 PM
RE: SB5101E firmware questions - by coldfusion - 05-08-2012, 11:57 PM
RE: SB5101E firmware questions - by drewmerc - 06-08-2012, 01:15 AM
RE: SB5101E firmware questions - by coldfusion - 06-08-2012, 02:14 AM
RE: SB5101E firmware questions - by SlowGrind6 - 06-08-2012, 04:30 AM
RE: SB5101E firmware questions - by coldfusion - 06-08-2012, 04:33 AM
RE: SB5101E firmware questions - by biglove69 - 01-11-2012, 10:43 PM
RE: SB5101E firmware questions - by SlowGrind6 - 02-11-2012, 08:10 AM
RE: SB5101E firmware questions - by Rickz - 14-11-2012, 01:19 AM
RE: SB5101E firmware questions - by marcin888888 - 14-11-2012, 04:05 AM
RE: SB5101E firmware questions - by ABMJR - 14-11-2012, 04:29 AM
RE: SB5101E firmware questions - by drewmerc - 14-11-2012, 09:09 AM
RE: SB5101E firmware questions - by Rickz - 16-11-2012, 03:03 AM

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