12-05-2012, 03:25 PM
When I got my 1st Premod from Devdelay way back in 2010 I knew that ths hobby was going to change drastically with d3. I decided to approach it not for free inet but for a learning tool. I read nonstop throughout the 3 weeks it took to get the cm and I was able to get it working in less than 30 minutes. I did not open it up, plug in the coax and then post "ok, now what?" I did, however, brick it in the first hour....lmao. But,now I brick them just out of sheer boredom! It w2as ridiculously easy then, to get online as d1 was still available aand you could force/serve and bpi bypass was enabled. I knew that it was going to change and i never once got a connection and was happy with it. I always strived to start over and find another way. Throughout every upgrade the waves of freeloaders get thinned out and eventually you will have only determined testers left. NO Freetard would EVER put in the monumental effort that I have to to make a setup work in a closed node! It isn't about the google page, it's about getting past the doorman! I moved out of a closed node and just lately, my new home was upgraded to a closed node as well! lol. "Progress" is inevitable....