(14-11-2011, 03:34 PM)drewmerc Wrote: none of the above shit is hard (ok some basement dwellers will struggle with the socialise bit but i cant help with that)[/sarcasm]
they aren't basement dwellers bro they are broke high-school kids whose parents wont let them have internet, i mean seriously who the fuck cant afford 100 bucks to get your pad cabled and get a legit modem to pull certs from.. most CCs run specials for new customers. fuck most modems will go right back into circulation once you return them, and who the hell doesnt have friends outside their node with modems??? even me, and trust me im as anti-social as they come, know at least 10 people outside my node running the same internet provider as me.
and this kid was pm'ing me talking about "i have 20 bucks", wtf am i going to do with 20 bucks? thats an insult..... it costs me 80$ a month to run at the speeds i download at
this is grown folk business, move along
and im TWC/RR pm me if interested in talking anyone. macs certs