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Im needing help learning to Flash or add Force ware to Modem
Good day to you all. I am new here and im trying to learn how to Flash or add Forceware to my modems.
I am currently doing Moto 6121, and 6141 because I've been told those are the only ones that can be done.
The guys down here where I live of course aren't going to show me how to do it because it takes $$ away from their pockets. 
Can anyone please walk me through on how to Flash or add Forceware to the Modems.
Please. Thank you so much
you need a way to flash the modem be it a usbjtagnt, flashcat or build your own ft2232 based device
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You will need a programmer like a USB programmer, leads to attach to the chip and also the forceware image files. Like anything else, flashing a chip can brick it. Be careful and you should be fine!

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