06-04-2009, 04:10 AM
modems down on both haxor and inf firms this is a log from haxorware ambit 250 been like this for about a week seems stable on night time but during the day its hell mac used and ether mac makes no diff im thinking maybe cpe ports but im unsure we appear to have also just switched over to docsis 2.0 9 out of 10 modems in my area are currently down (roughly) any commands to change cpe settings? somin id like to try as ive tried evthing ive found so far and nothings worked modems are coming on and instantly loosing access again tried everything i can find and think of but nothings worked any help suggestions would be welcome thanks
MemSize: ......................... 8M
Flash detected @0xbe000000
Signature: a603
Broadcom BootLoader Version: 2.1.6d release Gnu
Build Date: May 10 2004
Build Time: 19:06:46
Image 1 Program Header:
Signature: 3349
Control: 0000
Major Rev: 0001
Minor Rev: 0001
Build Time: 2009/2/6 13:23:00 Z
File Length: 1182183 bytes
Load Address: 80500000
Filename: ecram_sto.bin
HCS: babb
CRC: 49829c3d
WARNING: Signatures do not match! Don't use this image!
HCS failed on Image 2 Program Header
Enter '1', '2', or 'p' within 2 seconds or take default...
. .
Performing CRC on Image 1...
Loading non-compressed image 1...
Target Address: 0x80500000
Length: 1182183
Executing Image 1...
Piggyback LZMA decompression 1.0.2
Detected LZMA compressed image... decompressing...
Target Address: 0x80010000
Decompressed length: 4719141
eCos - hal_diag_init
Init device '/dev/ttydiag'
Init tty channel: 804573a0
Init device '/dev/tty0'
Init tty channel: 804573c0
Init device '/dev/haldiag'
HAL/diag SERIAL init
Init device '/dev/ser0'
BCM 33XX SERIAL init - dev: 0.2
Set output buffer - buf: 804961a8 len: 2048
Set input buffer - buf: 804969a8 len: 2048
BCM 33XX SERIAL config
Detected 8M of RAM
0x00000014 [tStartup] BcmBfcStdEmbeddedTarget::InitStorageDrivers: (BFC Target) Configuring/Loading Flash driver...
0x00000014 [tStartup] FlashDeviceDriver::FlashDriverInit: (Flash Driver C API) WARNING - Failed to detect flash device 0 using SPI!
0x0000001e [tStartup] BcmBfcStdEmbeddedTarget::InitStorageDrivers: (BFC Target) Loading ProgramStore driver...
0x0000001e [tStartup] BcmBfcStdEmbeddedTarget::InitStorageDrivers: (BFC Target) Loading BootloaderStore driver...
0x00000028 [tStartup] BcmBfcStdEmbeddedTarget::InitStorageDrivers: (BFC Target) Loading NonVol driver...
0x00000032 [tStartup] BcmBfcStdEmbeddedTarget::InitStorageDrivers: (BFC Target) Storage drivers initialized successfully.
0x00000032 [tStartup] BcmBfcStdEmbeddedTarget::InitDeviceAbstractions: (BFC Target) Creating singletons for ProgramStore/BootloaderStore/NonVol devices...
Detecting the next image number that we will store to by default...
0x3c Computing CRC32 over image2 to ensure that it is valid...
rogramStoreDriverIsHeaderValid: WARNING - ProgramStore header HCS check failed!
rogramStoreDriverIsImageValid: WARNING - Header isn't valid!
0x46 Done computing CRC32!
By default, we will dload to image number 2!
0x00000046 [tStartup] BcmBfcStdEmbeddedTarget::InitDeviceAbstractions: (BFC Target) Device abstraction singletons created successfully.
BcmCmVendorNonVolSettings::GetSingletonInstance: WARNING - the singleton instance is NULL, and someone is accessing it!
BcmCmVendorNonVolSettings::GetSingletonInstance: WARNING - the singleton instance is NULL, and someone is accessing it!
BcmCmVendorNonVolSettings::GetSingletonInstance: WARNING - the singleton instance is NULL, and someone is accessing it!
**** RESET DEFAULT. Unable to retrieve from DOCSIS Permanent NV, hardcode
Created CmVendorNonVolSettings object.
****** Reset Secure Factory MIB data to its default
Reading Permanent settings from non-vol...
Checksum for permanent settings: 0x4422ee69
0x0000006e [tStartup] BcmBfcAppCompositeNonVolSettings::ReadFrom: WARNING - Read an unrecognized settings group from the buffer (magic number 0x416d4374 'AmCt'); storing in raw form for compatibility...
Settings were read and verified.
Reading Dynamic settings from non-vol...
Checksum for dynamic settings: 0x45285fe7
**** BcmCmVendorNonVolSettings::ReadFromImpl MINOR VER 4 ****
Settings were read and verified.
Creating SNMP agent cablemodem agent
cablemodem agent disabling management.
cablemodem agent defering traps.
DON'T think we need to go here - so don't:::: init_mib !!!!
WARNING: netsnmp_brcm_create_tstring called with no address!
If you pressed the 's' key before this point, we will skip driver initialization...
Creating DOCSIS Control Thread...
@@@@@ In BcmCmDocsisCtlThread, fRemainingInitRngPowerSteps 17
*********Private Key Source is NOT ENCRYPTED. (635 BytesUsed)
****** Private Key Source
Source Key 0x308227721030d692a864886f7
Calling Vendor PreDriverInitialization...
PreDriverInitialization: Tuner 4 Amp 4
*** Current USB Device ID is 0x5101, Default is 0x5101
vvv Interface creation and driver startup beginning vvv
-> Begin DOCSIS CM WAN interface
Creating HAL object for the DOCSIS CableModem interface
mot_scanList::Create North American Plan!
mot_scanList::Create - plan=0, lim=0,863000000, cur=512, max=864
Favorite Channels
[0] Freq = 331000000 Hz, US ID = 4, Power = 43.00 dBmV
[1] Freq = 402750000 Hz, US ID = 4, Power = 45.00 dBmV
[2] Freq = 0 Hz, US ID = 0, Power = 0.00 dBmV
[3] Freq = 0 Hz, US ID = 0, Power = 0.00 dBmV
[4] Freq = 0 Hz, US ID = 0, Power = 0.00 dBmV
[5] Freq = 0 Hz, US ID = 0, Power = 0.00 dBmV
[6] Freq = 0 Hz, US ID = 0, Power = 0.00 dBmV
[7] Freq = 0 Hz, US ID = 0, Power = 0.00 dBmV
[8] Freq = 0 Hz, US ID = 0, Power = 0.00 dBmV
[9] Freq = 0 Hz, US ID = 0, Power = 0.00 dBmV
[10] Freq = 0 Hz, US ID = 0, Power = 0.00 dBmV
[11] Freq = 0 Hz, US ID = 0, Power = 0.00 dBmV
[12] Freq = 0 Hz, US ID = 0, Power = 0.00 dBmV
[13] Freq = 0 Hz, US ID = 0, Power = 0.00 dBmV
[14] Freq = 0 Hz, US ID = 0, Power = 0.00 dBmV
[15] Freq = 0 Hz, US ID = 0, Power = 0.00 dBmV
[16] Freq = 0 Hz, US ID = 0, Power = 0.00 dBmV
[17] Freq = 0 Hz, US ID = 0, Power = 0.00 dBmV
[18] Freq = 0 Hz, US ID = 0, Power = 0.00 dBmV
Registering DOCSIS CableModem driver
BcmMacInit: advMapRunAheadTimeMin = 5120 (0x00001400) 10.24 MHz ticks, 500 usec
0x000006d6 [tStartup] BcmDocsisCmHalIf::Register: (DOCSIS CableModem HalIf) CM HAL reports h/w support for PHS, bitmask=0x3
0x000006e0 [tStartup] BcmDocsisCmHalIf::Register: (DOCSIS CableModem HalIf) CM HAL reports h/w support for PHS, size=64 bytes.
-> End DOCSIS CM WAN interface
-> Begin Ethernet LAN interfaces
Creating HAL object for the Ethernet interface
Registering Ethernet driver
-> End Ethernet LAN interfaces
-> Begin USB LAN interface
Creating HAL object for the USB 1.1 interface
Registering USB driver
-> End USB LAN interface
-> Begin IP Stack interfaces
-> Starting V2 DHCP Client subsystem...
Creating HAL object for IP Stack1 (MAC Addr=00:02:8a:xx:xx:xx)
DHCPc: Created default DHCP lease for IP Stack1
using client id htype=1, value=00:02:8a:xx:xx:xx; auto-config enabled (IP, subnet, router).
Registering IP Stack1 driver
Tcpip NI: Init - RegisteredStackCount = 1
Creating HAL object for IP Stack2 (MAC Addr=00:13:15:ad:xx:xx)
DHCPc: Created default DHCP lease for IP Stack2
using client id htype=1, value=00:13:15:ad:xx:xx; auto-config enabled (IP, subnet, router).
Registering IP Stack2 driver
Tcpip NI: Init - RegisteredStackCount = 2
IP Stack3 not enabled or failed to create and start interface; no other stacks will be loaded.
-> End IP Stack interfaces
^^^ Interface creation and driver startup complete ^^^
Creating the DOCSIS Forwarder...
Adding DOCSIS CableModem HalIf as the default interface to the DOCSIS Forwarder
Adding Ethernet HalIf to the DOCSIS Forwarder
Adding USB HalIf to the DOCSIS Forwarder
Adding IP Stack1 HalIf to the DOCSIS Forwarder
Adding IP Stack2 HalIf to the DOCSIS Forwarder
Current IP address is default
0x00000794 [tStartup] BcmEcosIpHalIf::ConfigureLeaseImpl: (IP Stack2 HalIf)
Configuring IP stack 2:
IP Address = (primary IP address)
Subnet Mask =
Router =
IsPrimaryInterface = 0
Creating Propane Control Thread...
Propane version: 2.0.1 (28 Oct 2002)
Instantiating CmSnmpAgent object.
Starting SNMP subsystem
Registering STP F
Starting Rajko HttpD on
Starting TelnetD on
ilter Snoop with all interfaces.
Registering DOCSIS MIB Filter Snoop with CPE and WAN interfaces.
**** Add Scalar for cmSunboxCapable
**** Add Scalar for cmSunboxCapable
*** cmPrivateFactoryGroup:
opulate GetFmibUserLevel 1
0x00000ac8 [tStartup] BcmDocsisCmHalIf::RegisterSnmpObjects: (DOCSIS CableModem HalIf) Interface 10 additional registration w/ SNMP agent OK.
WARNING: EventLog::LogEvent can't log events yet, not initialized. ID=-1994011571
CmSnmpAgent installing views...
SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support setting V1/V2 view to unrestricted
SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support IpStackEvent: Ip=, Subnet=, Gateway=
Ip addr is the same, not rebinding.
SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support installing engine ID...
SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support installing context...
Creating SNMP agent CPE diag agent
CPE diag agent disabling management.
CPE diag agent defering traps.
SB5102 CM Event Log w/ BRCM Factory Support initializing with stored events.
Event log initialization complete.
SB5102 CPE Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support setting V1/V2 view to unrestricted
SB5102 CPE Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support IpStackEvent: Ip=, Subnet=, Gateway=
SB5102 CPE Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support enabling management.
SB5102 CPE Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support sending deferred traps...
Done w/ deferred traps.
SNMP Agent Binding to
BcmSnmpThread starting thread operation.
SB5102 CPE Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support installing engine ID...
SB5102 CPE Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support installing context...
SB5102 CPE Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support setting V1/V2 view to docsisCpeView
SNMP startup complete.
0x00001158 [tStartup] BcmVendorCmApplication::CreateDhcpServer: (VendorExtension CmApp) Configuring the DHCP server with 50 leases from ->; lease time is 20 seconds.
0x00001176 [tStartup] BcmVendorCmApplication::StartDhcpServer: (VendorExtension CmApp) Starting DHCP Server!
Checking board manufacturing state...
Board appears to be manufactured OK.
* *
*** ***
*** ***
*** ***
***** *****
***** *****
***** *****
******* *******
******* *******
******* *******
********* *********
********* *********
**** *** *** ****
*** *** ***
*** * ***
** **
** **
** **
** **
* *
Motorola Corporation
| _/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/
| _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ Broadband
| _/ _/ _/ _/
| _/_/ _/_/_/ _/ Foundation
| _/ _/ _/ _/
| _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ Classes
| _/_/_/ _/ _/_/
| Copyright © 1999 - 2005 Broadcom Corporation
| Revision: 3.9.32 RELEASE
| Features: Console Nonvol Fat HeapManager SNMP Networking USB1.1
| Standard Embedded Target Support for BFC
| Copyright © 2003-2004 Broadcom Corporation
| Revision: 3.0.1 RELEASE
| Features: PID=0xa603 Bootloader-Rev=2.1.6d
| Features: Bootloader-Compression-Support=0x19
| eCos BFC Application Layer
| Copyright © 1999 - 2004 Broadcom Corporation
| Revision: 3.0.2 RELEASE
| Features: eCos Console Cmds, (no Idle Loop Profiler)
| _/_/ _/ _/
| _/ _/ _/_/ _/_/ DOCSIS Cable Modem
| _/ _/ _/ _/
| _/ _/ _/
| _/ _/ _/
| _/ _/ _/ _/
| _/_/ _/ _/
| Copyright © 1999 - 2005 Broadcom Corporation
| Revision: 3.9.32 RELEASE
| Features: AckCel DOCSIS 1.0/1.1/2.0 Propane CM SNMP w/Factory MIB
| Features: Support CM Vendor Extension
| Motorola Data-Only CM Vendor Extension
| Revision: 3.0.0a RELEASE
| Features: DHCP Server HTTP Server
| Build Date: Oct 1 2006
| Build Time: 22:45:33
| Built By: mgi1401
Running the system...
Beginning Cable Modem operation...
0x0000141e [Scan Downstream Thread] BcmVendorCmDownstreamScanThread::ThreadMain: (Scan Downstream Thread) Scanning for a Downstream Channel...
mot_scanList: Setting override freq @ 0
Favorite[0].freq = 331000000
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 331000000 Hz, QAM64/256
Type 'help' or '?' for a list of commands...
CM> 0x0000182e [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::StartUsInit: (CmDocsisCtlThread) Locked on the downstream. Waiting for UCDs...
Tuner Frequency = 331000000 Hz
Carrier Offset = -9 Hz
Symbol rate = 5360537 sym/sec
SNR = 37 dB
QAM Mode = QAM256
Tuner AGC = 0xfff00000
IF AGC = 0x1336826e
Power Level = 9 dB
CM> Selecting UCD for Us Channel 4
0x000024f4 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::TestAndLaunchDsTimeSync: (CmDocsisCtlThread) starting ds time sync acquisition...
0x0000276a [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::SyncDsSyncOk: (CmDocsisCtlThread) downstream time sync acquired...
0x00002774 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread:
sSyncOkResumeUsInit: (CmDocsisCtlThread) pre-REG upstream target case...starting initial ranging.
Beginning initial ranging...
Using stored initial upstream power = 43.0 dBmV
0x00002788 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::SyncDsSyncOk: (CmDocsisCtlThread) rx unexpected kDsSyncOk indication...
Not logging event ID 2307948724, control for level 7 is 0.
RNG-RSP Adj: tim=2172 power=0 freq=0 Stat=Continue
RNG-RSP Adj: tim=0 power=0 freq=0 Stat=Success
Upstream Status = UP
Upstream Channel = 4
Upstream Frequency = 37500000 Hz
Upstream Power = 43 dBmV
Ranging SID = 0x702
Upstream Symbol Rate = 2560000 sym/sec
Not logging event ID 2307948624, control for level 7 is 0.
Calculating maximum number of IP filters:
Each IP filter consumes 1836 bytes of RAM.
Current free RAM is 445920 bytes.
Max heap reserved for IP filters (25%) = 111480
We can support 60 IP filters.
Calculating maximum number of LLC filters:
Each LLC filter consumes 712 bytes of RAM.
Current free RAM is 447484 bytes.
Max heap reserved for LLC filters (25%) = 111871
We can support 157 LLC filters.
Starting IP Initialization with DHCP...
DHCPc: Waiting 2 seconds before sending Discover; client id htype=1, value=00:02:8a:xx:xx:xx
CM> DHCPc: Sending Discover packet; client id htype=1, value=00:02:8a:xx:xx:xx
DHCPc: Received an Offer from DHCP server 00:0d:66:21:xx:xx (; lease client id htype=1, value=00:02:8a:xx:xx:xx
CM> DHCPc: Timed out waiting for offers for lease with client id htype=1, value=00:02:8a:xx:xx:xx
DHCPc: Sending Request packet; client id htype=1, value=00:02:8a:xx:xx:xx
DHCPc: Received an Ack from DHCP server 00:0d:66:21:xx:xx (; lease client id htype=1, value=00:02:8a:xx:xx:xx
Current IP address is default
0x00003da4 [DHCP Client Thread] BcmEcosIpHalIf::ConfigureLeaseImpl: (IP Stack1 HalIf)
Configuring IP stack 1:
IP Address = (primary IP address)
Subnet Mask =
Router =
IsPrimaryInterface = 1
ARPing for default GW IP =
MAC = 00:0d:66:21:xx:xx
DHCP completed successfully!
DHCP Settings:
Client Id = htype=1, value=00:02:8a:xx:xx:xx
State = Renewing (5)
Static Lease = 0
AutoConfig Mode = IP, Subnet and Router
XID = 0x5e444011
Number of Tries = 0
Max Discover Tries = 6
Max Request Tries = 6
DHCP server MAC addr = 00:0d:66:21:d0:01
My offered IP address = (primary IP address)
(1) Subnet Mask =
(3) Router IP address =
(54) DHCP Server IP address =
(82) Relay Agent IP address =
TFTP Server IP address =
CM Configuration file = 'cmreg-ntlhm200-rts98.cm'
(2) UTC Time Offset = 1 seconds
(4) Time Server IP address =
(6) Domain Name Server =
(7) Log Server IP address =
(51) Lease time = 604463 seconds
(58) T1 (renew) = 302231 seconds
(59) T2 (rebind) = 528905 seconds
Lease is infinite = 0
SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support IpStackEvent: Ip=, Subnet=, Gateway=
CmSnmpAgent::IpAddressAcquiredEvent for SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support
IP addr =
Starting Time Of Day...
0x00003ed0 [CmDocsisIpThread] BcmDocsisTimeOfDayThread::SetTodServerIpAddress: (Time Of Day Thread) ToD servers:
SNMP Agent Binding to
Connecting to ToD server
Sending UDP ToD request to server...
Logging event: DHCP WARNING - Non-critical field invalid in response.
Not logging event ID 2291949724, control for level 7 is 0.
CM> 0x00003fe8 [Time Of Day Thread] BcmDocsisTimeOfDayThread::HandleToD: (Time Of Day Thread) WARNING - Timed out waiting for a response from the ToD server.
Waiting 2000 ms before trying this server again...
Logging event: ToD request sent- No Response received
Starting Tftp of configuration file...
Opening file 'cmreg-ntlhm200-rts98.cm' on for reading...
tftp-enforce bypass is DISABLED
CM> Connecting to ToD server
Sending UDP ToD request to server...
0x000047ea [CmDocsisIpThread] Tftp Client::GetReply: (Tftp Client) Timed out on socket select!
0x000047ea [CmDocsisIpThread] Tftp Client::Send: (Tftp Client) Attempt #(1) Backoff (2) Exp Block #(1) Last Block #(0) Recv'd Block #(0)
tftp-enforce bypass is DISABLED
Storing received cfg of size 416 to memory
Tftp transfer complete!
TFTP Settings:
Stack Interface = 1
Server Ip Address =
Server Port Number = 30000
Total Blocks Read = 1
Total Bytes Read = 416
Config file was read! IP Initialization completed...
MAX CPE per CM is being set to 32
Not logging event ID 2291949524, control for level 7 is 0.
TLV-11[1]: ->
TLV-11[2]: ->
TLV-11[3]: -> woofread
TLV-11[4]: -> 2 (i32)
TLV-11[5]: -> @
TLV-11[6]: -> 4 (i32)
TLV-11[7]: ->
TLV-11[8]: ->
TLV-11[9]: -> woofreadwrite
TLV-11[10]: -> 3 (i32)
TLV-11[11]: -> @
TLV-11[12]: -> 4 (i32)
UTC returned by ToD server 3447873108; UTC offset 1
Current system time -> Sat Apr 04 22:31:49 2009
System start time -> Sat Apr 04 22:31:31 2009
Time Of Day completed...
DefaultSnmpAgentClass::SystemTimeChangeEvent for SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support
Not logging event ID 2291949324, control for level 7 is 0.
SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support processing TLV-11's
SNMP packet sent to
12 TLV-11's OK.
Sending a REG-REQ to the CMTS...
CM> Received a REG-RSP message from the CMTS...
0x00004a10 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::RegRspMsgEvent: (CmDocsisCtlThread) We registered with a DOCSIS 1.0 config file!
Adding DOCSIS 1.0 CoS Settings for SID 0x702
Class Of Service Settings:
SID = 0x702
Max Us Burst = 1600 bytes
Max Us Rate = 256000 bits per second
Max Bucket size = 24288 bits
Bits In Bucket = 24288
Last Bucket Update Time = 19979 ms
Last Bucket Flush Time = 19979 ms
Packet Delay Time = 0 ms
Global CONCAT has been enabled for all upstream queues.
The CONCAT threshold is set to 2 packets (128 packets max).
Fragmentation is ENABLED in DOCSIS 1.0 mode!
Registration complete!
Process CVC
0x00004a60 [CmDocsisCtlThread] CmSecureDownload:
rocessConfigFileManufAndCosignerCvcs: (Secure Software Download) WARNING - No CVC included in config file; software upgrade can't be performed!
0x00004a74 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread:
rocessCVC: (CmDocsisCtlThread) ERROR - Config file does not include a valid CVC!
DOCSIS CoS/QoS rate shaping enable is now 1
CmSnmpAgent::CmOperationalEvent for SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support
CmSnmpAgent operating in 1.0 mode, including docsBpi, excluding docsQos
+++ No DH kickstart profiles or snmpCommunityTable entries installed.
We will operate in NMACCESS mode.
SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support setting V1/V2 view to docsisNmAccessView
SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support enabling management.
SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support sending deferred traps...
Done w/ deferred traps.
SB5102 CPE Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support setting V1/V2 view to docsisNmAccessView
0x00004aba [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::TestAndLaunchBpkm: (CmDocsisCtlThread) BPKM enabled. starting BPKM key requests.
SB5102 CM Event Log w/ BRCM Factory Support sending deferred async messages...
Done w/ deferred msgs
Not logging event ID 66040100, control for level 7 is 0.
BPI initialization completed. Calling ConfigOperational().
Enabling network access for all CPE ports.
mot_scanList: Writing to Flash!
0x00004be6 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmDocsisCmHalIf::ConfigOperational: (DOCSIS CableModem HalIf) Running IGMP in DOCSIS 1.0 mode!
Suspending SNMP Thread
0x00004bfa [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmVendorCmApplication::StopDhcpServer: (VendorExtension CmApp) Shutting down DHCP Server...
0x00004c04 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmStandbySwitchThread::CmIsOperational: (Motorola Standby Switch Thread) Simulating a press of the standby switch to get the state configured properly.
0x00004c22 [IGMP Thread] BcmIgmpThread::Starting Igmp Thread...: (IGMP Thread)
0x00004c2c [Motorola Standby Switch Thread] BcmStandbySwitchThread::ThreadMain: (Motorola Standby Switch Thread) Standby switch was pressed!
0x00004c36 [Motorola Standby Switch Thread] BcmStandbySwitchThread:
rocessSwitchEvent: (Motorola Standby Switch Thread) Standby switch disabled in nonvol; ignoring event.
Not logging event ID 2296948624, control for level 7 is 0.
MemSize: ......................... 8M
Flash detected @0xbe000000
Signature: a603
Broadcom BootLoader Version: 2.1.6d release Gnu
Build Date: May 10 2004
Build Time: 19:06:46
Image 1 Program Header:
Signature: 3349
Control: 0000
Major Rev: 0001
Minor Rev: 0001
Build Time: 2009/2/6 13:23:00 Z
File Length: 1182183 bytes
Load Address: 80500000
Filename: ecram_sto.bin
HCS: babb
CRC: 49829c3d
WARNING: Signatures do not match! Don't use this image!
HCS failed on Image 2 Program Header
Enter '1', '2', or 'p' within 2 seconds or take default...
. .
Performing CRC on Image 1...
Loading non-compressed image 1...
Target Address: 0x80500000
Length: 1182183
Executing Image 1...
Piggyback LZMA decompression 1.0.2
Detected LZMA compressed image... decompressing...
Target Address: 0x80010000
Decompressed length: 4719141
eCos - hal_diag_init
Init device '/dev/ttydiag'
Init tty channel: 804573a0
Init device '/dev/tty0'
Init tty channel: 804573c0
Init device '/dev/haldiag'
HAL/diag SERIAL init
Init device '/dev/ser0'
BCM 33XX SERIAL init - dev: 0.2
Set output buffer - buf: 804961a8 len: 2048
Set input buffer - buf: 804969a8 len: 2048
BCM 33XX SERIAL config
Detected 8M of RAM
0x00000014 [tStartup] BcmBfcStdEmbeddedTarget::InitStorageDrivers: (BFC Target) Configuring/Loading Flash driver...
0x00000014 [tStartup] FlashDeviceDriver::FlashDriverInit: (Flash Driver C API) WARNING - Failed to detect flash device 0 using SPI!
0x0000001e [tStartup] BcmBfcStdEmbeddedTarget::InitStorageDrivers: (BFC Target) Loading ProgramStore driver...
0x0000001e [tStartup] BcmBfcStdEmbeddedTarget::InitStorageDrivers: (BFC Target) Loading BootloaderStore driver...
0x00000028 [tStartup] BcmBfcStdEmbeddedTarget::InitStorageDrivers: (BFC Target) Loading NonVol driver...
0x00000032 [tStartup] BcmBfcStdEmbeddedTarget::InitStorageDrivers: (BFC Target) Storage drivers initialized successfully.
0x00000032 [tStartup] BcmBfcStdEmbeddedTarget::InitDeviceAbstractions: (BFC Target) Creating singletons for ProgramStore/BootloaderStore/NonVol devices...
Detecting the next image number that we will store to by default...
0x3c Computing CRC32 over image2 to ensure that it is valid...


0x46 Done computing CRC32!
By default, we will dload to image number 2!
0x00000046 [tStartup] BcmBfcStdEmbeddedTarget::InitDeviceAbstractions: (BFC Target) Device abstraction singletons created successfully.
BcmCmVendorNonVolSettings::GetSingletonInstance: WARNING - the singleton instance is NULL, and someone is accessing it!
BcmCmVendorNonVolSettings::GetSingletonInstance: WARNING - the singleton instance is NULL, and someone is accessing it!
BcmCmVendorNonVolSettings::GetSingletonInstance: WARNING - the singleton instance is NULL, and someone is accessing it!
**** RESET DEFAULT. Unable to retrieve from DOCSIS Permanent NV, hardcode
Created CmVendorNonVolSettings object.
****** Reset Secure Factory MIB data to its default
Reading Permanent settings from non-vol...
Checksum for permanent settings: 0x4422ee69
0x0000006e [tStartup] BcmBfcAppCompositeNonVolSettings::ReadFrom: WARNING - Read an unrecognized settings group from the buffer (magic number 0x416d4374 'AmCt'); storing in raw form for compatibility...
Settings were read and verified.
Reading Dynamic settings from non-vol...
Checksum for dynamic settings: 0x45285fe7
**** BcmCmVendorNonVolSettings::ReadFromImpl MINOR VER 4 ****
Settings were read and verified.
Creating SNMP agent cablemodem agent
cablemodem agent disabling management.
cablemodem agent defering traps.
DON'T think we need to go here - so don't:::: init_mib !!!!
WARNING: netsnmp_brcm_create_tstring called with no address!
If you pressed the 's' key before this point, we will skip driver initialization...
Creating DOCSIS Control Thread...
@@@@@ In BcmCmDocsisCtlThread, fRemainingInitRngPowerSteps 17
*********Private Key Source is NOT ENCRYPTED. (635 BytesUsed)
****** Private Key Source
Source Key 0x308227721030d692a864886f7
Calling Vendor PreDriverInitialization...
PreDriverInitialization: Tuner 4 Amp 4
*** Current USB Device ID is 0x5101, Default is 0x5101
vvv Interface creation and driver startup beginning vvv
-> Begin DOCSIS CM WAN interface
Creating HAL object for the DOCSIS CableModem interface
mot_scanList::Create North American Plan!
mot_scanList::Create - plan=0, lim=0,863000000, cur=512, max=864
Favorite Channels
[0] Freq = 331000000 Hz, US ID = 4, Power = 43.00 dBmV
[1] Freq = 402750000 Hz, US ID = 4, Power = 45.00 dBmV
[2] Freq = 0 Hz, US ID = 0, Power = 0.00 dBmV
[3] Freq = 0 Hz, US ID = 0, Power = 0.00 dBmV
[4] Freq = 0 Hz, US ID = 0, Power = 0.00 dBmV
[5] Freq = 0 Hz, US ID = 0, Power = 0.00 dBmV
[6] Freq = 0 Hz, US ID = 0, Power = 0.00 dBmV
[7] Freq = 0 Hz, US ID = 0, Power = 0.00 dBmV
[8] Freq = 0 Hz, US ID = 0, Power = 0.00 dBmV
[9] Freq = 0 Hz, US ID = 0, Power = 0.00 dBmV
[10] Freq = 0 Hz, US ID = 0, Power = 0.00 dBmV
[11] Freq = 0 Hz, US ID = 0, Power = 0.00 dBmV
[12] Freq = 0 Hz, US ID = 0, Power = 0.00 dBmV
[13] Freq = 0 Hz, US ID = 0, Power = 0.00 dBmV
[14] Freq = 0 Hz, US ID = 0, Power = 0.00 dBmV
[15] Freq = 0 Hz, US ID = 0, Power = 0.00 dBmV
[16] Freq = 0 Hz, US ID = 0, Power = 0.00 dBmV
[17] Freq = 0 Hz, US ID = 0, Power = 0.00 dBmV
[18] Freq = 0 Hz, US ID = 0, Power = 0.00 dBmV
Registering DOCSIS CableModem driver
BcmMacInit: advMapRunAheadTimeMin = 5120 (0x00001400) 10.24 MHz ticks, 500 usec
0x000006d6 [tStartup] BcmDocsisCmHalIf::Register: (DOCSIS CableModem HalIf) CM HAL reports h/w support for PHS, bitmask=0x3
0x000006e0 [tStartup] BcmDocsisCmHalIf::Register: (DOCSIS CableModem HalIf) CM HAL reports h/w support for PHS, size=64 bytes.
-> End DOCSIS CM WAN interface
-> Begin Ethernet LAN interfaces
Creating HAL object for the Ethernet interface
Registering Ethernet driver
-> End Ethernet LAN interfaces
-> Begin USB LAN interface
Creating HAL object for the USB 1.1 interface
Registering USB driver
-> End USB LAN interface
-> Begin IP Stack interfaces
-> Starting V2 DHCP Client subsystem...
Creating HAL object for IP Stack1 (MAC Addr=00:02:8a:xx:xx:xx)
DHCPc: Created default DHCP lease for IP Stack1
using client id htype=1, value=00:02:8a:xx:xx:xx; auto-config enabled (IP, subnet, router).
Registering IP Stack1 driver
Tcpip NI: Init - RegisteredStackCount = 1
Creating HAL object for IP Stack2 (MAC Addr=00:13:15:ad:xx:xx)
DHCPc: Created default DHCP lease for IP Stack2
using client id htype=1, value=00:13:15:ad:xx:xx; auto-config enabled (IP, subnet, router).
Registering IP Stack2 driver
Tcpip NI: Init - RegisteredStackCount = 2
IP Stack3 not enabled or failed to create and start interface; no other stacks will be loaded.
-> End IP Stack interfaces
^^^ Interface creation and driver startup complete ^^^
Creating the DOCSIS Forwarder...
Adding DOCSIS CableModem HalIf as the default interface to the DOCSIS Forwarder
Adding Ethernet HalIf to the DOCSIS Forwarder
Adding USB HalIf to the DOCSIS Forwarder
Adding IP Stack1 HalIf to the DOCSIS Forwarder
Adding IP Stack2 HalIf to the DOCSIS Forwarder
Current IP address is default
0x00000794 [tStartup] BcmEcosIpHalIf::ConfigureLeaseImpl: (IP Stack2 HalIf)
Configuring IP stack 2:
IP Address = (primary IP address)
Subnet Mask =
Router =
IsPrimaryInterface = 0
Creating Propane Control Thread...
Propane version: 2.0.1 (28 Oct 2002)
Instantiating CmSnmpAgent object.
Starting SNMP subsystem
Registering STP F
Starting Rajko HttpD on
Starting TelnetD on
ilter Snoop with all interfaces.
Registering DOCSIS MIB Filter Snoop with CPE and WAN interfaces.
**** Add Scalar for cmSunboxCapable
**** Add Scalar for cmSunboxCapable
*** cmPrivateFactoryGroup:

0x00000ac8 [tStartup] BcmDocsisCmHalIf::RegisterSnmpObjects: (DOCSIS CableModem HalIf) Interface 10 additional registration w/ SNMP agent OK.
WARNING: EventLog::LogEvent can't log events yet, not initialized. ID=-1994011571
CmSnmpAgent installing views...
SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support setting V1/V2 view to unrestricted
SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support IpStackEvent: Ip=, Subnet=, Gateway=
Ip addr is the same, not rebinding.
SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support installing engine ID...
SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support installing context...
Creating SNMP agent CPE diag agent
CPE diag agent disabling management.
CPE diag agent defering traps.
SB5102 CM Event Log w/ BRCM Factory Support initializing with stored events.
Event log initialization complete.
SB5102 CPE Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support setting V1/V2 view to unrestricted
SB5102 CPE Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support IpStackEvent: Ip=, Subnet=, Gateway=
SB5102 CPE Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support enabling management.
SB5102 CPE Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support sending deferred traps...
Done w/ deferred traps.
SNMP Agent Binding to
BcmSnmpThread starting thread operation.
SB5102 CPE Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support installing engine ID...
SB5102 CPE Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support installing context...
SB5102 CPE Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support setting V1/V2 view to docsisCpeView
SNMP startup complete.
0x00001158 [tStartup] BcmVendorCmApplication::CreateDhcpServer: (VendorExtension CmApp) Configuring the DHCP server with 50 leases from ->; lease time is 20 seconds.
0x00001176 [tStartup] BcmVendorCmApplication::StartDhcpServer: (VendorExtension CmApp) Starting DHCP Server!
Checking board manufacturing state...
Board appears to be manufactured OK.
* *
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*** ***
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**** *** *** ****
*** *** ***
*** * ***
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Motorola Corporation
| _/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/
| _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ Broadband
| _/ _/ _/ _/
| _/_/ _/_/_/ _/ Foundation
| _/ _/ _/ _/
| _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ Classes
| _/_/_/ _/ _/_/
| Copyright © 1999 - 2005 Broadcom Corporation
| Revision: 3.9.32 RELEASE
| Features: Console Nonvol Fat HeapManager SNMP Networking USB1.1
| Standard Embedded Target Support for BFC
| Copyright © 2003-2004 Broadcom Corporation
| Revision: 3.0.1 RELEASE
| Features: PID=0xa603 Bootloader-Rev=2.1.6d
| Features: Bootloader-Compression-Support=0x19
| eCos BFC Application Layer
| Copyright © 1999 - 2004 Broadcom Corporation
| Revision: 3.0.2 RELEASE
| Features: eCos Console Cmds, (no Idle Loop Profiler)
| _/_/ _/ _/
| _/ _/ _/_/ _/_/ DOCSIS Cable Modem
| _/ _/ _/ _/
| _/ _/ _/
| _/ _/ _/
| _/ _/ _/ _/
| _/_/ _/ _/
| Copyright © 1999 - 2005 Broadcom Corporation
| Revision: 3.9.32 RELEASE
| Features: AckCel DOCSIS 1.0/1.1/2.0 Propane CM SNMP w/Factory MIB
| Features: Support CM Vendor Extension
| Motorola Data-Only CM Vendor Extension
| Revision: 3.0.0a RELEASE
| Features: DHCP Server HTTP Server
| Build Date: Oct 1 2006
| Build Time: 22:45:33
| Built By: mgi1401
Running the system...
Beginning Cable Modem operation...
0x0000141e [Scan Downstream Thread] BcmVendorCmDownstreamScanThread::ThreadMain: (Scan Downstream Thread) Scanning for a Downstream Channel...
mot_scanList: Setting override freq @ 0
Favorite[0].freq = 331000000
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 331000000 Hz, QAM64/256
Type 'help' or '?' for a list of commands...
CM> 0x0000182e [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::StartUsInit: (CmDocsisCtlThread) Locked on the downstream. Waiting for UCDs...
Tuner Frequency = 331000000 Hz
Carrier Offset = -9 Hz
Symbol rate = 5360537 sym/sec
SNR = 37 dB
QAM Mode = QAM256
Tuner AGC = 0xfff00000
IF AGC = 0x1336826e
Power Level = 9 dB
CM> Selecting UCD for Us Channel 4
0x000024f4 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::TestAndLaunchDsTimeSync: (CmDocsisCtlThread) starting ds time sync acquisition...
0x0000276a [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::SyncDsSyncOk: (CmDocsisCtlThread) downstream time sync acquired...
0x00002774 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread:

Beginning initial ranging...
Using stored initial upstream power = 43.0 dBmV
0x00002788 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::SyncDsSyncOk: (CmDocsisCtlThread) rx unexpected kDsSyncOk indication...
Not logging event ID 2307948724, control for level 7 is 0.
RNG-RSP Adj: tim=2172 power=0 freq=0 Stat=Continue
RNG-RSP Adj: tim=0 power=0 freq=0 Stat=Success
Upstream Status = UP
Upstream Channel = 4
Upstream Frequency = 37500000 Hz
Upstream Power = 43 dBmV
Ranging SID = 0x702
Upstream Symbol Rate = 2560000 sym/sec
Not logging event ID 2307948624, control for level 7 is 0.
Calculating maximum number of IP filters:
Each IP filter consumes 1836 bytes of RAM.
Current free RAM is 445920 bytes.
Max heap reserved for IP filters (25%) = 111480
We can support 60 IP filters.
Calculating maximum number of LLC filters:
Each LLC filter consumes 712 bytes of RAM.
Current free RAM is 447484 bytes.
Max heap reserved for LLC filters (25%) = 111871
We can support 157 LLC filters.
Starting IP Initialization with DHCP...
DHCPc: Waiting 2 seconds before sending Discover; client id htype=1, value=00:02:8a:xx:xx:xx
CM> DHCPc: Sending Discover packet; client id htype=1, value=00:02:8a:xx:xx:xx
DHCPc: Received an Offer from DHCP server 00:0d:66:21:xx:xx (; lease client id htype=1, value=00:02:8a:xx:xx:xx
CM> DHCPc: Timed out waiting for offers for lease with client id htype=1, value=00:02:8a:xx:xx:xx
DHCPc: Sending Request packet; client id htype=1, value=00:02:8a:xx:xx:xx
DHCPc: Received an Ack from DHCP server 00:0d:66:21:xx:xx (; lease client id htype=1, value=00:02:8a:xx:xx:xx
Current IP address is default
0x00003da4 [DHCP Client Thread] BcmEcosIpHalIf::ConfigureLeaseImpl: (IP Stack1 HalIf)
Configuring IP stack 1:
IP Address = (primary IP address)
Subnet Mask =
Router =
IsPrimaryInterface = 1
ARPing for default GW IP =
MAC = 00:0d:66:21:xx:xx
DHCP completed successfully!
DHCP Settings:
Client Id = htype=1, value=00:02:8a:xx:xx:xx
State = Renewing (5)
Static Lease = 0
AutoConfig Mode = IP, Subnet and Router
XID = 0x5e444011
Number of Tries = 0
Max Discover Tries = 6
Max Request Tries = 6
DHCP server MAC addr = 00:0d:66:21:d0:01
My offered IP address = (primary IP address)
(1) Subnet Mask =
(3) Router IP address =
(54) DHCP Server IP address =
(82) Relay Agent IP address =
TFTP Server IP address =
CM Configuration file = 'cmreg-ntlhm200-rts98.cm'
(2) UTC Time Offset = 1 seconds
(4) Time Server IP address =
(6) Domain Name Server =
(7) Log Server IP address =
(51) Lease time = 604463 seconds
(58) T1 (renew) = 302231 seconds
(59) T2 (rebind) = 528905 seconds
Lease is infinite = 0
SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support IpStackEvent: Ip=, Subnet=, Gateway=
CmSnmpAgent::IpAddressAcquiredEvent for SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support
IP addr =
Starting Time Of Day...
0x00003ed0 [CmDocsisIpThread] BcmDocsisTimeOfDayThread::SetTodServerIpAddress: (Time Of Day Thread) ToD servers:
SNMP Agent Binding to
Connecting to ToD server
Sending UDP ToD request to server...
Logging event: DHCP WARNING - Non-critical field invalid in response.
Not logging event ID 2291949724, control for level 7 is 0.
CM> 0x00003fe8 [Time Of Day Thread] BcmDocsisTimeOfDayThread::HandleToD: (Time Of Day Thread) WARNING - Timed out waiting for a response from the ToD server.
Waiting 2000 ms before trying this server again...
Logging event: ToD request sent- No Response received
Starting Tftp of configuration file...
Opening file 'cmreg-ntlhm200-rts98.cm' on for reading...
tftp-enforce bypass is DISABLED
CM> Connecting to ToD server
Sending UDP ToD request to server...
0x000047ea [CmDocsisIpThread] Tftp Client::GetReply: (Tftp Client) Timed out on socket select!
0x000047ea [CmDocsisIpThread] Tftp Client::Send: (Tftp Client) Attempt #(1) Backoff (2) Exp Block #(1) Last Block #(0) Recv'd Block #(0)
tftp-enforce bypass is DISABLED
Storing received cfg of size 416 to memory
Tftp transfer complete!
TFTP Settings:
Stack Interface = 1
Server Ip Address =
Server Port Number = 30000
Total Blocks Read = 1
Total Bytes Read = 416
Config file was read! IP Initialization completed...
MAX CPE per CM is being set to 32
Not logging event ID 2291949524, control for level 7 is 0.
TLV-11[1]: ->
TLV-11[2]: ->
TLV-11[3]: -> woofread
TLV-11[4]: -> 2 (i32)
TLV-11[5]: -> @
TLV-11[6]: -> 4 (i32)
TLV-11[7]: ->
TLV-11[8]: ->
TLV-11[9]: -> woofreadwrite
TLV-11[10]: -> 3 (i32)
TLV-11[11]: -> @
TLV-11[12]: -> 4 (i32)
UTC returned by ToD server 3447873108; UTC offset 1
Current system time -> Sat Apr 04 22:31:49 2009
System start time -> Sat Apr 04 22:31:31 2009
Time Of Day completed...
DefaultSnmpAgentClass::SystemTimeChangeEvent for SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support
Not logging event ID 2291949324, control for level 7 is 0.
SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support processing TLV-11's
SNMP packet sent to
12 TLV-11's OK.
Sending a REG-REQ to the CMTS...
CM> Received a REG-RSP message from the CMTS...
0x00004a10 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::RegRspMsgEvent: (CmDocsisCtlThread) We registered with a DOCSIS 1.0 config file!
Adding DOCSIS 1.0 CoS Settings for SID 0x702
Class Of Service Settings:
SID = 0x702
Max Us Burst = 1600 bytes
Max Us Rate = 256000 bits per second
Max Bucket size = 24288 bits
Bits In Bucket = 24288
Last Bucket Update Time = 19979 ms
Last Bucket Flush Time = 19979 ms
Packet Delay Time = 0 ms
Global CONCAT has been enabled for all upstream queues.
The CONCAT threshold is set to 2 packets (128 packets max).
Fragmentation is ENABLED in DOCSIS 1.0 mode!
Registration complete!
Process CVC
0x00004a60 [CmDocsisCtlThread] CmSecureDownload:

0x00004a74 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread:

DOCSIS CoS/QoS rate shaping enable is now 1
CmSnmpAgent::CmOperationalEvent for SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support
CmSnmpAgent operating in 1.0 mode, including docsBpi, excluding docsQos
+++ No DH kickstart profiles or snmpCommunityTable entries installed.
We will operate in NMACCESS mode.
SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support setting V1/V2 view to docsisNmAccessView
SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support enabling management.
SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support sending deferred traps...
Done w/ deferred traps.
SB5102 CPE Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support setting V1/V2 view to docsisNmAccessView
0x00004aba [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::TestAndLaunchBpkm: (CmDocsisCtlThread) BPKM enabled. starting BPKM key requests.
SB5102 CM Event Log w/ BRCM Factory Support sending deferred async messages...
Done w/ deferred msgs
Not logging event ID 66040100, control for level 7 is 0.
BPI initialization completed. Calling ConfigOperational().
Enabling network access for all CPE ports.
mot_scanList: Writing to Flash!
0x00004be6 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmDocsisCmHalIf::ConfigOperational: (DOCSIS CableModem HalIf) Running IGMP in DOCSIS 1.0 mode!
Suspending SNMP Thread
0x00004bfa [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmVendorCmApplication::StopDhcpServer: (VendorExtension CmApp) Shutting down DHCP Server...
0x00004c04 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmStandbySwitchThread::CmIsOperational: (Motorola Standby Switch Thread) Simulating a press of the standby switch to get the state configured properly.
0x00004c22 [IGMP Thread] BcmIgmpThread::Starting Igmp Thread...: (IGMP Thread)
0x00004c2c [Motorola Standby Switch Thread] BcmStandbySwitchThread::ThreadMain: (Motorola Standby Switch Thread) Standby switch was pressed!
0x00004c36 [Motorola Standby Switch Thread] BcmStandbySwitchThread:

Not logging event ID 2296948624, control for level 7 is 0.