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Not Scanning - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Not Scanning (/showthread.php?tid=2055)

Not Scanning - depor1 - 17-10-2012

I'm new at this and ordered and SB5101 modem already Premodded. When I received it I wasn't sure of the setup and played around with a command that I saw online using telnet, well apparently now the modem will not scan for a frequency when it boots up. I have to telnet in and do the run_app command for the modem to start scanning. Is there a command I can apply so it does it automatically.

RE: Not Scanning - kornwood - 17-10-2012

cd /
cd n/b
auto_console 0

RE: Not Scanning - depor1 - 17-10-2012

Thank You, it worked but now it reboots once it gets to the end. Here is my telnet, can someone tell me what's wring with it and why it's not connecting.

Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 789000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 795000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 801000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 807000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 813000000 Hz, QAM256
0x000178ae [DHCP Server Thread] BcmDhcpServerThread::ThreadMain: (DHCP Server T hread) Callback request expired:
timerDuration secs = 1
current time secs = 96
elapsed time secs = 1
CM> Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 819000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 825000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 831000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 837000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 843000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 849000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 855000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 93000000 Hz, QAM256
Go back to 1st favorite
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 99000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 105000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 111000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 117000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 495000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 489000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 483000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 477000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 471000000 Hz, QAM256
0x0001a3e2 [DHCP Server Thread] BcmDhcpServerThread::ThreadMain: (DHCP Server T hread) Callback request expired:
timerDuration secs = 1
current time secs = 107
elapsed time secs = 1
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 465000000 Hz, QAM256
CM> Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 459000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 453000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 447000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 441000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 435000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 429000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 423000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 417000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 411000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 405000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 399000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 393000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 387000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 381000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 375000000 Hz, QAM256
0x0001cf16 [DHCP Server Thread] BcmDhcpServerThread::ThreadMain: (DHCP Server T hread) Callback request expired:
timerDuration secs = 1
current time secs = 118
elapsed time secs = 1
CM> Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 369000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 363000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 357000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 351000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 345000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 339000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 333000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 327000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 321000000 Hz, QAM256
Attempting Downstream FEC lock @ freq= 315000000 Hz, QAM256
0x0001ebcc [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::StartUsInit: (CmDocsisCtlT hread) Locked on the downstream. Waiting for UCDs...

Tuner Frequency = 315000000 Hz
Carrier Offset = 4 Hz
Symbol rate = 5360537 sym/sec
SNR = 37 dB
QAM Mode = QAM256
Tuner AGC = 0xfff00000
IF AGC = 0x11948a7e
Power Level = 13 dB

CM> Calculating maximum number of IP filters:
Each IP filter consumes 1852 bytes of RAM.
Current free RAM is 371116 bytes.
Max heap reserved for IP filters (25%) = 92779
We can support 50 IP filters.
Calculating maximum number of LLC filters:
Each LLC filter consumes 724 bytes of RAM.
Current free RAM is 371116 bytes.
Max heap reserved for LLC filters (25%) = 92779
We can support 128 LLC filters.
Selecting UCD for Us Channel 2

0x0001f860 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::TestAndLaunchDsTimeSync: ( CmDocsisCtlThread) starting ds time sync acquisition...
0x0001f8f6 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::SyncDsSyncOk: (CmDocsisCtl Thread) downstream time sync acquired...
0x0001f8f6 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread:Big GrinsSyncOkResumeUsInit: (CmD ocsisCtlThread) pre-REG upstream target case...starting initial ranging.
Beginning initial ranging...
Using default initial upstream power = 8.0 dBmV
0x0001f8f6 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::SyncDsSyncOk: (CmDocsisCtl Thread) rx unexpected kDsSyncOk indication...
Not logging event ID 2307948724, control for level 7 is 0.
CM> 0x0001fa40 [DHCP Server Thread] BcmDhcpServerThread::ThreadMain: (DHCP Serv er Thread) Callback request expired:
timerDuration secs = 1
current time secs = 129
elapsed time secs = 1
CM> Adjusting the initial ranging power to 33.0 dBmV...
Logging event: No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out (US 2)
RNG-RSP Adj: tim=1159 power=-44 freq=0 Stat=Continue
RNG-RSP Adj: tim=0 power=0 freq=0 Stat=Continue
RNG-RSP Adj: tim=0 power=0 freq=0 Stat=Continue
RNG-RSP Adj: tim=0 power=0 freq=0 Stat=Continue
RNG-RSP Adj: tim=0 power=0 freq=0 Stat=Success

Upstream Status = UP
Upstream Channel = 2
Upstream Frequency = 23800000 Hz
Upstream Power = 23 dBmV
Ranging SID = 0x234
Upstream Symbol Rate = 5120000 sym/sec

Starting IP Initialization with DHCP...
DHCPc: Waiting 1 seconds before sending Discover; client id htype=1, value=00:22:2d:19:11:cd
Not logging event ID 2307948624, control for level 7 is 0.
CM> DHCPc: Sending Discover packet; client id htype=1, value=00:22:2d:19:11:cd
CM> cd /ip

Active Command Table: IP Stack HAL Commands (ip_hal)

CM -> ip_hal

CM/IpHal> ipconfig 1 release

WARNING: This will be applied to all 2 registered instances!
Do you really want to do this? (yes|no) [no] y

Instance: IP Stack1 (0x806a00f8)

Releasing lease for client id htype=1, value=00Big GrinHCPc: Received an Offer from DHCP server 00:21:55:cb:49:f1 (; lease client id htype=1, value=00:22:2d:19:11:cd
DHCPc: Releasing the lease with client id htype=1, value=00:22:2d:19:11:cd
0x0002239e [DHCP Client Thread] BcmEcosIpHalIf::RemoveLeaseImpl: (IP Stack1 HalIf) Removing lease IP address from IP stack 1
0x000223a8 [DHCP Client Thread] BcmEcosIpHalIf:Big GrineleteRoute: (IP Stack1 HalIf) ERROR - SIOCDELRT: errno=3 bcm0'!
0x000223a8 [DHCP Client Thread] BcmEcosIpHalIf::RemoveLeaseImpl: (IP Stack1 HalIf) ERROR - DeleteRoute failed for interface:bcm0'!

Instance: IP Stack2 (0x8069e648)

Releasing lease for client id htype=1, value=00:22:2d:19:11:cd

CM/IpHal> ipconfig 1 static

WARNING: This will be applied to all 2 registered instances!
Do you really want to do this? (yes|no) [no] y

Instance: IP Stack1 (0x806a00f8)

Configuring static lease for IP Stack1...
0x000224ac [ConsoleThread] BcmDhcpClientIf::ConfigureStaticLease: (DHCP ClientIf for IP Stack1) ERROR - Static lease not acceptable to the IP stack; can't configure!
ERROR - failed to configure static lease!

Instance: IP Stack2 (0x8069e648)

Configuring static lease for IP Stack1...
0x000224ac [ConsoleThread] BcmDhcpClientIf::ConfigureStaticLease: (DHCP ClientIf for IP Stack1) ERROR - Static lease not acceptable to the IP stack; can't configure!
ERROR - failed to configure static lease!

CM/IpHal> cd /

Active Command Table: CM DOCSIS Commands (CM)


CM> 0x0002256a [DHCP Server Thread] BcmDhcpServerThread::ThreadMain: (DHCP Server Thread) Callback request expired:
timerDuration secs = 1
current time secs = 140
elapsed time secs = 1
CM> 0x0002509e [DHCP Server Thread] BcmDhcpServerThread::ThreadMain: (DHCP Server Thread) Callback request expired:
timerDuration secs = 1
current time secs = 151
elapsed time secs = 1
CM> 0x00027bdc [DHCP Server Thread] BcmDhcpServerThread::ThreadMain: (DHCP Server Thread) Callback request expired:
timerDuration secs = 1
current time secs = 162
elapsed time secs = 1
CM> 0x0002a710 [DHCP Server Thread] BcmDhcpServerThread::ThreadMain: (DHCP Server Thread) Callback request expired:
timerDuration secs = 1
current time secs = 173
elapsed time secs = 1
CM> 0x0002d23a [DHCP Server Thread] BcmDhcpServerThread::ThreadMain: (DHCP Server Thread) Callback request expired:
timerDuration secs = 1
current time secs = 184
elapsed time secs = 1
CM> 0x0002d884 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::T4NoStationMaintEvent: (CmDocsisCtlThread) ERROR - no Station Maint map op -> restart error

* We are currently at Freq 315000000 Hz...
* Current US Channel ID 2
* TargetDsFreq 0 Hz...
* TargetUsChan 0
* TargetContext 0

0x0002d884 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::T4NoStationMaintEvent: (CmDocsisCtlThread) MOTOROLA-SPECIFIC -> REBOOTING IN CASE OF T4
DefaultSnmpAgentClass::ShutdownPendingEvent for SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support
SB5102 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support sending deferred traps...
Done w/ deferred traps.
SB5102 CPE Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support disabling management.
SB5102 CPE Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support defering traps.
CmSnmpAgent waiting for packets, events, and traps to clear...
Logging event: Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Unicast Maintenance opportunities received - T4 timeout
Logging event: Modem Is Shutting Down and Rebooting...

RE: Not Scanning - kornwood - 17-10-2012

Logging event: Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Unicast Maintenance opportunities received - T4 timeout
Logging event: Modem Is Shutting Down and Rebooting

but also try it with dhcp instead of static

RE: Not Scanning - ABMJR - 17-10-2012

Stop trying to force a static IP

Quote:ERROR - Static lease not acceptable to the IP stack; can't configure!
ERROR - failed to configure static lease!